En/De/Fr/It- (first 9 out of 136 sentences)
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Srpski - (prvih 9 od 136 rečenica)
n1 | Slobodan Panic | n1 | Slobodan Panic |
n2 | National Bank of Serbia, the Institute for Manufacturing Banknotes and Coins - Topcider, Belgrade | n2 | Narodna banka Srbije Zavod za izradu novcanica - Topcider |
n3 | Responsible Restructuring -the Most Important Aspects | n3 | Odgovorno restrukturisanje - najvažniji aspekti |
n4 | The restructuring is a complex process of adjusting the company for changes that come from the environment, in order to increase business efficiency and competitiveness. | n4 | Restrukturisanje predstavlja složen proces prilagodavanja preduzeca preduzeca promenama koje dolaze iz okruženja, sa ciljem da se povecaju efikasnost poslovanja i konkurentnost. |
n5 | The two most important things for a successful restructuring are the justice and communications. | n5 | Dve najvažnije stvari za uspešno restrukturisanje jesu pravda i komunikacija. |
n6 | Responsible companies are companies with vision, who knows that worrying about employees today, provide their own prosperity tomorrow. | n6 | Odgovorne firme su firme sa vizijom, koje znaju da brinuci o zaposlenima danas, obezbeduju vlastiti prosperitet sutra. |
n7 | The restructuring should be seen as an opportunity for the company to direct its focus on those areas of business where it made its greatest comparative advantages. | n7 | Restrukturisanje treba posmatrati kao priliku da se kompanija još više us-meri na one oblasti poslovanja gde ostvaruje najvece komparativne prednosti. |
n8 | Employees in such circumstances should be regarded as the highest value of the company to be developed, not as an expense that should be reduced as soon as it appears the first signs of crisis. | n8 | Zaposlene i u takvim okolnostima treba posmatrati kao najvecu vrednost kompanije koju treba razvijati, a ne kao trošak koji treba smanjiti cim se pojave prvi znaci krize. |
n9 | Keywords: The restructuring, business efficiency, Procedural justice, Distributive justice, communication strategy | n9 | Kljucne reci: restrukturisanje, efikasnost, proceduralna pravda, distributivna pravda, strategija komuniciranja. |