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 Mihić et al., 2012, vol. XVII:62, ID: 7.2012.62.7[About]

En/De/Fr/It- (first 9 out of 232 sentences) [pdf] Srpski - (prvih 9 od 232 rečenica) [pdf]
n1Marko Mihic, Aleksandar Vuckovic, Miodrag Vuckovic n1Marko Mihic , Aleksandar Vuckovic , Miodrag Vuckovic
n2University of Belgrade, Faculty of Organizational Sciences n2Univerzitet u Beogradu, Fakultet organizacionih nauka
n3Benefits Management in Energy Efficiency Projects in Serbian Public Buildings n3Upravljanje koristima u projektima energetske efikasnosti u javnim zgradama u Srbiji
n4Implementation of energy efficiency projects in public buildings can contribute to achieving many benefits for the community. n4Realizacija projekata energetske efi kasnosti u javnim zgradama može doprineti ostvarivanju brojnih koristi za društvenu zajednicu.
n5Some of these benefits are energy savings, greenhouse gas reduction, comfort improvement, etc. n5Neke od tih koristi su uštede u potrošnji energije, smanjena emisija štetnih gasova, po-boljšani uslovi za boravak i rad u zgradi, itd.
n6The implementation of energy efficiency measures in public buildings creates the opportunities for benefits achievement, but in order to actually achieve them, it is necessary that the project management process be conducted together with the process of benefits management. n6Primenom mera energetske efikasnosti u javnim zgradama, stvara se mogucnost za ostvarivanje koristi, ali d a bi one bile zaista i ostvarene, potrebno je zajedno sa procesom upravljanja projektom, sprovoditi i proces upravljanja koristima.
n7The thesis intended to be proven in this paper is that energy efficiency projects management in public buildings which is integrated with benefits management, guarantees the achievement of maximum benefits for the community. n7Teza koja se nastoji dokazati u ovom radu jes-te da pristup upravljanju projektima energetske efikasnosti u javnim zgradama u koji je integrisano upravljanje koristima, garantuje ost varivanje maksimalnih koristi sa stanovišta društvene zajednice.
n8This paper focuses on the description of phases and activities of an integrated model of project management and benefits management. n8Fokus rada je na de-taljnom objašnjenju faza i ak tivnosti integri sanog modela upravljanja projektima i upra vljanja kori stima.
n9The aforementioned model is described taking into consideration the energy efficiency situation in Serbia as well as project management practices in the respective area. n9Po-menuti model je opisan uz uvažavanje stanja energetske efikasnosti u Srbiji, kao i prakse upravljanja projektima u datoj oblasti.