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 Stefanović et al., 2011, vol. XVI:61, ID: 7.2011.61.8[About]

En/De/Fr/It- (first 9 out of 111 sentences) [pdf] Srpski - (prvih 9 od 111 rečenica) [pdf]
n1Growth Dynamics and Development Problems of Small and Medium Enterprises n1Dinamika rasta i problemi razvoja malih i srednjih preduzeca
n2Ivan Stefanovi], Dragan Milo[evi] n2Ivan Stefanovic, Dragan Miloševic2
n3Petroleum Industry of Serbia - NIS a.d. Novi Sad n3Naftna industrija Srbije - NIS a.d. Novi Sad
n4Business Economy and Entrepreneurship College, Beograd n4Visoka škola za poslovnu ekonomiju i preduzetništvo, Beograd
n5Small and medium enterprises (SMEs) have a great significance for developed market economies and represent the basis of their economic development. n5Mala i srednja preduzeca (MSP) su od velikog znacaja za ekonomije razvijenih tržišno orijentisanih zemalja i predstavljaju osnovu njihovog celokupnog ekonomskog razvoja.
n6They make around 99% of the total number of enterprises within these countries and employ more than two-thirds of the available workforce. n6Ona cine oko 99% u ukupnom broju preduzeca jedne zemlje i zapošljavaju preko dve trecine radno sposobnog stanovništva.
n7This paper analyses the growth and survival of SMEs and the problems of their development. n7U ovom radu se analizira rast i preživljavanje MSP-a, kao i problemi sa kojima se ova preduzeca susrecu tokom svog razvoja.
n8In the end of the paper, the marketing orientation as a foundation for steady growth and development of SMEs is emphasized, as well as the need for implanting the marketing concept into cultural norms of these enterprises. n8Na kraju rada ukazuje se na znacaj marketing orijentacije kao osnove za stabilan rast i razvoj MSP-a i potrebe za usadivanjem marketing koncepta u kulturološke norme ovih preduzeca. 1. Uvod
n9 n101. Introduction There are many categorizations by which small and medium enterprises (SMEs) can be defined. n9 n10Postoji veliki broj nacina na koji se mogu pojmovno odrediti mala i srednja preduzeca (MSP),