En/De/Fr/It- (first 9 out of 248 sentences)
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Srpski - (prvih 9 od 248 rečenica)
n1 | Motivational Aspects of Corporate Culture in International Management | n1 | Motivacioni aspekti korporativne kulture u medunarodnom menadžmentu |
n2 | Doc. | n2 | Doc. |
n3 | Dr Nevena Krasulja, M.Sc. Ivana Radojevi] (nee Gujanica) | n3 | Dr Nevena Krasulja, M.Sc. Ivana Radojevic (rod. Gujanica) |
n4 | Metropolitan University, Faculty of Management, Belgrade | n4 | Univerzitet Metropolitan, Fakultet za menadžment u Beogradu |
n5 | This paper highlights the importance of work motivation.. | n5 | U radu se istice znacaj motivacije |
n6 | It is obvious that universal applicability across cultures of any motivational approach is dangerous. | n6 | a pažnja se posvecuje ukazivanju da je univerzalna primenljivost motivacionih teorija veoma rizicna. |
n7 | Effective transnational managers must look beyond the theory, personal background, biases, values, and belief systems while introducing the work and cultural environments as employees perceive and interpret it. | n7 | Efektivan transnacionalni menadžer mora da misli i postupa mimo teorije, licnog iskustva, vrednosti, sistema verovanja. |
n8 | A close examination of culture, norms, and rituals in a society should be the first step taken by a transnational manager who wants to practice management with a global mind-set. | n8 | Neophodno je da bliže upozna kulturu zemlje u kojoj posluje, njene norme, kao i društvene rituale, što predstavlja osnovu globalnog razmišljanja. 1. |
n10 n11 | Introduction Motivation has for years been one of the key concepts for the management of any company since it is closely connected to the productivity of work, the creativity with which the employees do their job, the problem of absenteeism, the turnover of labour force, etc. | n10 n11 | Motivacija vec dugi niz godina predstavlja jedan od kljucnih koncepata za menadžment svakog preduzeca obzirom da je usko povezana sa produktivnošcu rada, kreativnošcu sa kojom radnici obavljaju posao, odsu-stvovanjem sa radnog mesta, fluktuacijom i dr. |