En/De/Fr/It- (first 9 out of 104 sentences)
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Srpski - (prvih 9 od 104 rečenica)
n1 | Interest of the Population in Electronic Communication in the Health Services Provision - Research Results | n1 | Istraživanje zainteresovanosti populacije za elektronsku komunikaciju u pružanju zdravstvenih usluga |
n2 | Marina Jovanovic Milenkovic1 | n2 | Marina Jovanovic Milenkovic1 |
n3 | 1Faculty of Organizational Sciences, Belgrade | n3 | 1Fakultet organizacionih nauka u Beogradu |
n4 | The subject of this paper is to present the results of the implementation of electronic communications in one segment of the electronic health system that is currently under development in the Republic of Serbia. | n4 | Tema ovog rada je prikaz rezultata istraživanja upotrebe elektronske komunikacije na jednom segmentu elektronskog zdravstvenog sistema koji je trenutno u fazi razvoja u Republici Srbiji. |
n5 | For an insight into the readiness of the Serbian population to adopt the electronic communication between doctors and patients, a research was conducted at the Center for testing hemostatic disorders, Blood Transfusion Institute of Serbia, in patients who were administered an oral anticoagulation therapy. | n5 | Da bi se sagledala spremnost stanovništva Srbije na elektronsku komunikacije izmedu lekara i pacijenta, uradeno je istraživanje u Centru za ispitivanje poremecaja hemostaze, Instituta za transfuziju krvi Srbije, kod pacijenata kod kojih se primenjuje oralna antikoagulantna terapija. |
n6 | The survey was conducted on the basis of data collected on patient health, using application solution that is made specifically for this study. | n6 | Istraživanje je sprovedeno na osnovu prikupljenih podataka o zdravstvenom stanju pacijenta, primenom aplikativnog rešenja koje je izradeno specijalno za ovo istra'ivanje. |
n7 | The collected data were analyzed and presented in statistical control charts. | n7 | Prikupljeni podaci su analizirani i prikazani statistickim kontrolnim kartama. |
n8 | The introduction of electronic health systems is a long and arduous task, aimed at creating a functional and modern health care system that will contribute to „improving the health of the population“. | n8 | Uvodenje elektronskog zdravstvenog sistema je dugorocan i naporan zadatak, s ciljem stvaranja funkcionalnog i savre-menog zdravstvenog sistema koji ce doprineti „poboljšanju zdravlja stanovništva“. |
n9 | 1. Introduction | n9 | 1. Uvod |