En/De/Fr/It- (first 9 out of 186 sentences)
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Srpski - (prvih 9 od 186 rečenica)
n1 | New Paradigm of Management: the Commitment to Innovation and Sustainable Competitive Advantage | n1 | Nova paradigma menadžmeta: od posvecenosti do inovativnosti i održive konkurentske prednosti |
n2 | Valentina Malesevic | n2 | Valentina Maleševic |
n3 | Information and Communication College, Belgrade | n3 | Visoka škola za informacione i komunikacione tehnologije Beorad |
n4 | The environment in which companies operate in the 21st century requires management to respond to the challenges relating to entirely new paradigms of management processes, primarily to employees in the direction of maintaining strategic performance and competitive advantage. | n4 | Okruženje u kojem deluju kompanije u 21. veku zahteva od menadžmenta da odgovori na izazove koji se odnose na potpuno nove paradigme procesa upravljanja, a pre svega prema zaposlenima u pravcu održanja strateških performansi i konkurentske prednosti. |
n5 | The main objective of this paper is to highlight the challenge that is before the management, which is that it necessarily has to create such a working environment that encourages each employee to make their best, and be committed to and fully engaged. | n5 | Osnovni cilj ovog rada je da istakne izazov koji je pred menad'mentom, a to je da on nužno mora stvoriti takav radni ambijent koji svakog zaposlenog podstice da daje najbolji deo sebe, odnosno da bude posvecen i potpuno anga'ovan. |
n6 | The paper analyzes the necessity of innovation management system, the current state of engagement of employees, commitment of employees as a route to continuous innovation and guidelines for management towards employee commitment. | n6 | U radu se analizira nužnost inovacije menadžment sistema, trenutno stanje anga'ovanosti zaposlenih, posvecenost zaposlenih kao put ka kontinuiranoj inovativnosti i smer-nice za upravljanje ka posvecenosti zaposlenih. 1. Uvod |
n7 n8 | 1. Introduction The environment in which companies do business in the 21st century is characterised by a host of challenges and uncertainty. | n7 n8 | Okruženje u kojem deluju kompanije u 21. veku je puno izazova i neizvesnosti. |
n9 | The new era triggered a large number of issues and a necessity that paradigms be changed in the process of company management. | n9 | Novo vreme je pokrenulo veliki broj pitanja i nužnosti izmene paradigmi u procesu upravljanja kompanijama. |
n10 | With an acceller-ating rhythm of changes, an increasing number of companies are found on the wrong side of the change curve, and a competitive advantage is likely to expire even much faster. | n10 | Kako se ritam promena ubrzava sve je veci broj preduzeca koja se nalaze na pogrešnoj strani krive promena, a konkurentska prednost se gubi mnogo brže. |