En/De/Fr/It- (first 9 out of 155 sentences)
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Srpski - (prvih 9 od 155 rečenica)
n1 | Determination of the Time and Quality Frame of the Bussines Negotiation Process and its Internal Structure | n1 | Definisanje trajanja i kvaliteta pregovaračkog procesa i njegova unutrašnja struktura |
n2 | Dragan Gruevski ‘“St. Kliment Ohridski” University | n2 | Dragan Gruevski ‘“St. Kliment Ohridski” University |
n3 | Faculty of Administration and Information Systems Management Bitola, Republic of Macedonia | n3 | Faculty of Administration and Information Systems Management Bitola, Republic of Macedonia |
n4 | What does it mean to negotiate in the world of business, anyway? | n4 | Sta uopšte znaci pregovarati u poslovnom svetu? |
n5 | Is this essentially the same conceptual framewok or is it entirely something else? | n5 | Da li je to u suštini isti konceptualni okvir ili je to nešto sasvim drugo? |
n6 | Both theory and practice maintain that it is absolutely the same relationship between two or more parties looking to reach agreement on a set of issues, who have a deep understanding of the similarities and differences of their own interests led by the desire to be mutually defeated or fulfilled. | n6 | I u teorji i u praksi tvrdi se da je to apsolutno isti odnos između dve ili više strana koje pokušavaju da dođu do sporazuma o određenom broju pitanja, koje prepoznaju sličnosti i razlike u svojim interesima a vodi ih Želja da prođu jednako dobro, bilo da je reč o neuspehu ili o uspehu u ovoj aktivnosti. |
n7 | What is different is the subject matter of negotiation which is defined by the specific field it belongs to. | n7 | Ono što se razlikuje jeste sadržaj pregovora koji se definiše specifičnošću oblasti u okviru koje se pregovara. |
n8 | The main motive is by and large the profit that leads to a privileged social status, but also to allienation. | n8 | Glavni motiv je uvek profit koji obezbeđuje privilegovan društveni status, ali i otuđenje. |
n9 | However, there are other motives. | n9 | Postoje ipak i drugi motivi. |