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Determination of the Time and Quality Frame of the Bussines Negotiation Process and its Internal StructureDefinisanje trajanja i kvaliteta pregovaračkog procesa i njegova unutrašnja struktura
Management, [pdf]Menadžment, [pdf]
ID: 7.2010.55.7 Number: Year: 2010 UDC: 005.574 [tmx] [bow]
Dragan Gruevski
Institution: ‘“St. Kliment Ohridski” University
Dragan Gruevski
Institucija: ‘“St. Kliment Ohridski” University
What does it mean to negotiate in the world of business, anyway? Is this essentially the same conceptual framewok or is it entirely something else? Both theory and practice maintain that it is absolutely the same relationship between two or more parties looking to reach agreement on a set of issues, who have a deep understanding of the similarities and differences of their own interests led by the desire to be mutually defeated or fulfilled. What is different is the subject matter of negotiation which is defined by the specific field it belongs to. The main motive is by and large the profit that leads to a privileged social status, but also to allienation. However, there are other motives. Old clothes, paper, iron can also be a subject matter of business negotiations to companies that negotiate with the suppliers of these goods. It seems that in cases like these profit is not the primary motive. Nevertheless, the elements of negotiation to reach divergent interests are present in each case. Even in the most simple case of a pauper who rings at your doorbell offering to clean out the trash for a minimal compensation you can find the the same elements of negotiation that are present in negotiations used by large corporations in large transactions. The parties involved in the negotiations, their interests, demands, positions, the negotiation climate, the social rank of the negotiating parties are all factors that determine the particulars of the negotiation process. Let us not forget that even the local businessman ensures better placement of his goods/products/services by ‘knocking at the door’ of the more powerful entrepreneur to gain a broader market representation.
Sta uopšte znaci pregovarati u poslovnom svetu? Da li je to u suštini isti konceptualni okvir ili je to nešto sasvim drugo? I u teorji i u praksi tvrdi se da je to apsolutno isti odnos između dve ili više strana koje pokušavaju da dođu do sporazuma o određenom broju pitanja, koje prepoznaju sličnosti i razlike u svojim interesima a vodi ih Želja da prođu jednako dobro, bilo da je reč o neuspehu ili o uspehu u ovoj aktivnosti. Ono što se razlikuje jeste sadržaj pregovora koji se definiše specifičnošću oblasti u okviru koje se pregovara. Glavni motiv je uvek profit koji obezbeđuje privilegovan društveni status, ali i otuđenje. Postoje ipak i drugi motivi. Stara odeća, papir, staro gvo'đe takođe mogu da budu tema poslovnih pregovora za kompanije koje o njima pregovaraju sa dobavljačima ovih roba. Izgleda da u ovakvim slučajevima profit nije primarni motiv. Ipak, elementi pregovaranja između dve strane s ciljem da svaka zadovolji svoje interese prisutni su u svakom slučaju; čak i u najjednostavnijem slučaju kada vam siromah zazvoni na vrata i ponudi da vam očisti đubre za minimalnu kompenzaciju možete naći iste one elemente pregovaranja koji su prisutni i kod pregovora između velikih korporacija, prilikom obimnih transakcija. Strane uključene u pregovore, njihovi interesi, zahtevi, pozicije, pregovaračka klima, društveni položaj strana u pregovorima, sve su to faktori koji određuju pojedine delove pregovaračkog procesa. Ne zaboravimo da čak i lokalni biznismen obezbeđuje bolji plasman svoje robe/proizvoda/usluga time što „kuca na vrata“ nekog jačeg preduzetnika koji će mu pomoći da proširi svoje prisustvo na tržištu.
Pages: 63-68Strane: 63-68