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 Mitrović S., 2010, vol. XV:55, ID: 7.2010.55.6[About]

En/De/Fr/It- (first 9 out of 190 sentences) [pdf] Srpski - (prvih 9 od 190 rečenica) [pdf]
n1E-Employment and Human Resource Management mr Svetlana Mitrovic n1E-zapošljavanje i menadžment ljudskih resursa mr Svetlana Mitrovic
n2This paper deals with electronic employment. n2Predmet ovog rada je elektronsko zapošljavanje.
n3Possibilities of e-recruitment and the use of online social networking websites and business-oriented social sites in employment, are analyzed and presented. n3U ovom radu analiziraju se mogućnosti elektronskog zapošljavanja i primene online društvenih mreža i poslovno-socijalno orjentisanih sajtova u zapošljavanju.
n4The model of e-employment, also shown in this paper, is an attempt to find new, more efficient ways in the search for, selection and recruitment of human resources using information technologies and communication networks. n4Izrada modela e-zapošljavanja, koji je takođe prikazan u ovom radu, pokušaj je da se na novi, efikasniji način, primenom in-formacionih tehnologija i komunikacionih mreža, pristupi traženju, selekciji i zapošljavanju ljudskih resursa.
n5The model of e-employment is based on the concepts of e-business and human resource management methods. n5Model e-zapošljavanja, bazira se na konceptu elektronskog poslovanja i metodama menad'menta ljudskih resursa.
n6The proposed model is adapted to conditions of employment in Serbia. n6Predloženi model prilagođen je uslovima zapošljavanja u Srbiji.
n71. Introduction n71. Uvod
n8Human potentials are resouces whose knowledge, skills, competencies and experience, along with the implementation of new technologies and permanent training, are capable of responding to market changes and enhancing the organizational performance in achieving organizational objectives. n8Ljudski potencijali, predstavljaju resurs, čije znanje, veštine, sposobnosti i iskustvo, uz primenu novih tehnologija i stalnog osposobljavanja, mogu da odgovore na tržišne promene i utiču na uspešno ostvarivanje ciljeva organizacije.
n9The use of the Internet in human resources recruitment in the developed countries is dominant, with a tendency to replace traditional methods. n9Primena Interenta, u regrutovanju ljudskih resursa u razvijenim zemljama je dominantna, sa tendencijom da zameni tradicionalne metode.