En/De/Fr/It- (first 9 out of 178 sentences)
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Srpski - (prvih 9 od 178 rečenica)
n1 | Implementation of the Concession Mechanism for Infrastructure Development | n1 | Implementacija mehanizma koncesije za razvoj infrastrukture |
n2 | Miloš Milosavljevic, Slađana Benković2 | n2 | Miloš Milosavljevic, Slađana Benković2 |
n3 | The development of infrastructure is one of the key indicators of the entity’s economic development potential, whether the entity is corporation, industry, national or supranational economy. | n3 | Razvijenost infrastrukture je jedan od ključnih indikatora stepena ekonomske razvijenosti entiteta, nezavisno od toga da li se radi o preduzećima, privrednim granama, nacionalnim ili supranacionalnim ekonomijama. |
n4 | As the third world countries accelerate development, and as the basic infrastructure in developed countries gets older, the gap between existing and needed infrastructure will grow. | n4 | Kako se bude ubrzavao razvoj zemalja trećeg sveta i kako bude starila bazična infrastruktura u razvijenim zemljama, po-većavaće se jaz između postojeće i potrebne infrastrukture. |
n5 | Consequently, the necessity for the review of infrastructure development emerges, as well as the need to create new and renew old methods, models, approaches and techniques for the realization and financing of infrastructure projects. | n5 | Doslovno tome, javlja se potreba da se daleko kvalitetnije izuči materija upravljanja infrastrukturnim razvojem, te razviju novi i kvalitetnije izuče stari metodi, modeli, tehnike i postupci za realizaciju i finansiranje infrastrukturnih projekata. |
n6 | This paper presents the concession as a mechanism of public-private partnership for the management of systematic infrastructure development. | n6 | Ovaj rad prezentuje koncesiju kao mehanizam javno-privatnog partnerstva kojim se upravlja sistemskim infrastrukturnim razvojem. |
n7 | Particular emphasis is put on the multidimensional role of the government and on potentials of infrastructure development to change its attributes from incremental and inert to radical and rapid. | n7 | Poseban naglasak je na multidimenzionalnoj ulozi države i na naglašavanju potencijala da infrastrukturni razvoj umesto in-krementalnog i inertnog poprimi atribute radikalnog i rapidnog. |
n8 | 1. Introduction | n8 | 1. Uvod |
n9 | The growth in infrastructure, according to the traditional understanding of the needs for infrastructure, should be at least equal to that of the gross domestic product of the national economy. | n9 | Prema tradicionalnom poimanju potreba za infrastrukturom, njen rast bi trebalo da bude najmanje jednak rastu bruto domaćeg proizvoda nacionalne ekonomije. |