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 Alrawi K., 2010, vol. XV:55, ID: 7.2010.55.3[About]

En/De/Fr/It- (first 9 out of 219 sentences) [pdf] Srpski - (prvih 9 od 219 rečenica) [pdf]
n1Production Strategy and competitiveness of the Date industry in the United Arab Emirates n1Proizvodna strategija i konkurentnost Industrije urmi u Ujedinjenim Arapskim Emiratima
n2Professor Khalid Alrawi n2Professor Khalid Alrawi
n3This exploratory research will provide an overview of strategic management in the ‘’Date industry ’’ in the United Arab Emirates. n3Ovaj istraživački rad predstavlja pregled strateškog menad'menta u Industriji urmi (Date Industry) u Ujedinjenim Arapskim Emiratima.
n4This research provides an overview of strategic management. n4Istraživanje predstavlja prikaz strateškog menad'menta.
n5A practical understanding of the strategic-management process is introduced. n5Uvodi se kategorija shvatanja procesa strateškog upravljanja u praksi.
n6In addition, the research initiates discussion of the mission and goals of the strategic management in the Date industry. n6Pored toga, ovo istraživanje pokreće raspravu o misiji i ciljevima strateškog upravljanja u Industriji urmi.
n7Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats, the SWOT analysis will be undertaken and strategies will be proposed that should keep the management going with success. n7Snage, slabosti, prilike i pretnje (strengths, waeknesses, opportunities, and threats) - sprovešćemo SWOT analizu i predložiti strategije koje će pomoći menadžmentu da posluje s uspehom.
n8In this paper the basic activities and terms in strategic management are defined. n8U ovom radu definišemo osnovne strategije i termine u oblasti strateškog upravljanja.
n9The benefits of strategic management to the company are presented. n9Predstavljamo koristi koje kompanija može da ima od strateškog upravljanja.