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 Radosavljević K., 2008, vol. XIII:49/50, ID: 7.2008.49-50.8[About]

En/De/Fr/It- (first 9 out of 163 sentences) [pdf] Srpski - (prvih 9 od 163 rečenica) [pdf]
n1Raspberry marketing channel on the example of arilje cooperative and "jugoprom" factory n1Analiza kanala marketinga maline na primeru zadruge arilje i fabrike "jugprom" d.o.o.
n2Mr Katica Radosavljevic n2Mr Katica Radosavljević
n3Faculty of Economics, Arilje n3Ekonomski fakultet u Beogradu
n4It is an analysis of raspberry specific nature, its marketing channel structure, the problems of forming prices and of promotion depending on marketing channels relations, conducted through the benchmarking analysis of these two factories. n4Kroz analizu specifičnosti maline njene strukture kanala marketinga, problema u formiranju cena i promocije u zavisnosti od odnosa u kanalima marketinga, a uz pomoću benčmarking analize dve fabrike pokazaće se složenost odnosa unutar poljoprivrednih proizvoda.
n5Sprecific features of fruit marketing channels are presented thoughout the marketing process or through individual marketing activities having in mind the characteristics of certain sorts of fruit. n5Specifičnosti kanala marketinga voća se iskazuju kroz ceo marketing proces ili kroz pojedine marketing aktivnosti u zavisnosti od karakteristika pojedinih vrsta voća.
n6In terms of spatial coverage, agricultural production can be defined as unevenly spread and seasonal in character (especially in case of the primary agricultural production). n6Poljoprivredna proizvodnja je u prostornom pogledu veoma neravnomerno raspoređena i ima sezonski karakter (u prvom redu primarna poljoprivredna proizvodnja).
n7On the other hand, the need for the agricultural produce is rather continual. n7Na drugoj strani, potrebe za agroproi-zvodima su vremenski uglavnom kontinuirane.
n8In addition to the specific features of the marketing channels for the agricultural produce, it is necessary that the specific nature of the marketing channel for each sort of agricultural produce be analysed within the overall industry, and for the purpose of satisfying the demend of end users in the best possible manner. n8Pored posebnih karakteristika kanala marketinga za poljoprivredne proizvode, javlja se nužnost u sagledavanju specifičnosti kanala marketinga za svaki poljoprivredni proizvod unutar ukupnog agrobiznisa, kako bi se na najbolji način zadovoljile potrebe krajnjih potrošača.
n9Another fact that supports our assumption on the necessity to analyse the specific feature of each of the agricultural produce is a different perishability rate, storage period, territorial coverage, time of offer which is conditioned by a natural production process each sort of the produce has. n9Još jedna od činjenica, koja je u prilog našoj pretpostavci u nužnosti sagledavanja specifičnosti kanala marketinga za svaki poljoprivredni proizvod, je različit stepen kvarljivosti, vremena čuvanja, teritorijalne određenosti, vremena ponude koje je uslovljeno prirodnim procesom proizvodnje, svakog poljoprivrednog proizvoda ponaosob.