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 Milikić B., 2008, vol. XIII:49/50, ID: 7.2008.49-50.11[About]

En/De/Fr/It- (first 9 out of 168 sentences) [pdf] Srpski - (prvih 9 od 168 rečenica) [pdf]
n1The role of hrm function in serbian companies: challenges and limitations n1Uloga funkcije upravljanja ljudskim resursima u srpskim preduzecima: izazovi i ograničenja
n2Dr Biljana Bogićević Milikić n2Dr Biljana Bogicevic Milikic
n3Faculty of Economy, University of Belgrade, Serbia n3Ekonomski fakultet, Univerzitet u Beogradu, Srbija
n4XI International Symposium SymOrg 2008, 10th - 13th. n4XI Internacionalni Simpozijum SymOrg 2008, 10.-13.
n5September 2008, Belgrade, Serbia n5Septembar 2008, Beograd, Srbija
n6The renewal of the transition process, the liberalisation of economy and the entrance of foreign companies caused, altogether, considerable changes concerning the development of the HRM function in Serbia. n6Obnavljanje procesa tranzicije, liberalizacija privrede i ulazak stranih kompanija izazvali su značajne promene u razvoju funkcije ULjR u Srbiji.
n7Regardless of the changes which have taken place in the last few years, there is still no relevant research in Serbia which will confirm or disprove this trend. n7Uprkos promenama koje su se desile poslednjih godina, još uvek ne postoje relevantna istraživanja u Srbiji koja bi potvrdila ili opovrgla ovaj trend.
n8Thus, the aim of this paper is to investigate what the role of the HRM function in Serbia is today, and whether there are some limitations to the faster convergence of Serbian HRM practices toward contemporary HRM trends. n8Zato je cilj ovog rada da istraži kakva je uloga ULjR funkcije u Srbiji danas i da li postoje neka ograničenja njenom bržem približavanju savremenim ULjR trendovima.
n9In order to examine the role of the HRM function in Serbia, we carried out an exploratory research in 38 companies (with more than 66,000 of employees) which operate in Serbia, by using a questionnaire. n9Da bismo ispitali mesto ULjR funkcije u Srbiji, uradili smo eksplorativno istraživanje u 38 preduzeca (sa više od 66.000 zaposlenih) koja posluju u Srbiji, korišcenjem upitnika.