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 Dedović Lj., 2008, vol. XIII:47/48, ID: 7.2008.47-48.7[About]

En/De/Fr/It- (first 9 out of 91 sentences) [pdf] Srpski - (prvih 9 od 91 rečenica) [pdf]
n1The transport policy between regulation and liberalisation n1Saobraćajna politika između regulacije i liberalizacije
n2Prof. Dr. Ljubinko Dedovi] n2Prof. dr Ljubinko Dedović
n3Faculty of Economics, Podgorica n3Ekonomski fakultet u Podgorici
n4An active academic debate on whether the state should interfere on the transport market and influence the development of transport has been going on in the developed countries for quite a long time now. n4U razvijenim evropskim zemljama se dugo vremena odvijala akademska debata oko toga da li zaista postoji potreba da država interveniše na saobraćajnom tržištu i da utiče na razvoj saobraćaja.
n5On one side, there are the advocates of of the idea that the transport market has to be regulated, on the other, there are the promoters of its liberalisation (deregulation). n5Na jednoj strani su zagovornici regulisanja saobraćajnog tržišta, a na drugoj poklonici njegove liberalizacije (dereglementacije).
n6In the practice of these countries so far the transport sector has been an area in which the state interferes to a smaller or larger extent. n6U dosadašnjoj praksi ovih zemalja saobraćajni sektor spada u područja na koja u većoj ili manjoj mjeri država utiče.
n7The debate on the basic dilemma of the transport policy is today especially heated in the so-called transition countries, which abandoned the socialist paradigm and oriented themselves to developing a market oriented economy. n7Debata povodom osnovne dileme saobraćajne politike danas je posebno aktuelna u tzv. zemljama u tranziciji, koje su napustile socijalističku paradigmu i orijentisale se na izgradnju tržišne privrede.
n8The facts the creators of the transport policy in the Western Balkan countries, the transition countries, must not ignore are that, firstly, the transport market in the European Union area is liberated to a large extent, and, secondly, due to the insufficient development of economy in the Balkan countries, it is not easy to create and implement the transport policy that would be in harmony with the philosophy of transport development in the developed European countries, the EU members. n8Kreatori saobraćajne politke u državama Zapadnog Balkana, koje su u grupi zemalja u tranziciji, ne smiju da ignorišu činjenicu da je saobraćajno tržište na nivou Evropske unije u priličnoj mjeri liberalizovano, kao ni to da u balkanskim uslovima, zbog nerazvijene privrede, nije lako koncipirati i implementirati saobraćajnu politiku koja bi bila u saglasju sa filozofijom razvoja saobraćaja u razvijenim evropskim zemljama, članicama EU-a.
n91. Introduction n91. Uvod