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 Majstorović A., 2008, vol. XIII:47/48, ID: 7.2008.47-48.3[About]

En/De/Fr/It- (first 9 out of 145 sentences) [pdf] Srpski - (prvih 9 od 145 rečenica) [pdf]
n1Modern Management in the Defense System n1Savremeni menadžment u sistemu odbrane
n2Dr Aleksandar Majstorovi],Dr Marko Andrejic n2dr Aleksandar Majstorovi] dr Marko Andreji]
n3Military Academy, Belgrade n3Vojna akademija Beograd
n4The bases on which the plans in the defense systems are founded are usually rather uncertain due to dynamic change in the system, particularly to its close or farther environment. n4Osnove na kojima se zasnivaju planovi u sistemu odbrane cesto su vrlo nesigurne zbog dinamičnih promena u sistemu, a posebno u njegovom bližem i daljem okruženju.
n5Nevertheless, planned and organized activities in these conditions, and especially in the area of sellection, creating and developing modern managers are both a must and a need, and planning human resources in the conditions of uncertainty is both a liability and a challenge for the top management and the planning departments in the defense system of the Republic of Serbia and all its parts. n5Pa ipak, planski i organizovani rad i u tim uslovima a posebno u oblasti izbora, stvaranja i razvoja savremenih menadžera su nužnost, ali i potreba, a planiranje ljudskih resursa u uslovima neizvesnosti upravo je i obaveza i izazov za najviši nivo menad'menta i planske organe u sistemu odbrane Republike Srbije i svim njegovim delovima.
n6An appropriate selection, supplying with adequate knowledge and an adequate development of a military manager bear a promise of a steadier work and fewer „emergent tasks “ in the defense system. n6Pravilna selekcija, opremanje adekvatnim znanjem i pravilan razvoj vojnog menadžera omogućuju mirniji rad i manje “vanrednih zadataka” u sistemu odbrane.
n7The requirements posed by the practices, time requirements and modern trends in the field of military management demand that a photorobot of a modern manager of the 21st century be designed: desirable knowledge, education, conduct, techniques and methodology he uses. n7Potrebe prakse, zahtevi vremena i savremeni trendovi u oblasti vojnog menad'menta zahtevaju da se napravi fotorobot vojnog menadžera 21. veka: poželjna znanja, vaspitanje, edukacija, ponašanje, tehnike i metodologija koju koristi u svom radu.
n8The developed countries and their defense systems have long realised that management is a scientific discipline, crucial in the successful work of the system and therefore worth paying due attention to. n8Razvijene zemlje i njihovi sistemi odbrane odavno su shvatili da je menadžment naučna disciplina vrlo bitna za uspešno funkcionisanje sistema i iz tih razloga mu pridaju adekvatan značaj.
n9It is for this reason that we devote this work to this issue of the Republic of Serbia defense system. n9Upravo zbog toga odlučili smo da se u ovom radu pozabavimo upravo tom tematikom u okviru sistema odbrane Republike Srbije.