Differential Responses to Managerial Incentives among Workers: Case Study | Različite reakcije radnika na stimulacije menadžera: studija slučaja |
Management, [pdf] | Menadžment, [pdf] |
ID: 7.2008.47-48.3 Number: 47-48 Volume: XIII Month: 4 Year: 2008 UDC: 005.32 [tmx] [bow] |
Khalid Alrawi Institution: Al-Ain University of Science and Technology | Khalid Alrawi Institucija: Al-Ain Univerzitet ua nauku i tehnologiju |
Abstract There is considerable interest and debate over the effectiveness of managerial incentives MI. The paper examines the impact
of sub-culture on preferences kinds of managerial incentives. The purpose is to investigate the popular assumption
that cultural differences exist at this level and to see whether these differences have an impact on MI effectiveness. An experimental
design is used to test a series of hypotheses based on a sample of Indians and Egyptians employees. The study
was taken in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. It is found that despite the existence of cultural differences at an ethnic
level, culture does not appear to have a significant impact on employee responses to MI. Finally the study also provides
evidence that further validates a scale used for measurement of culture. | Apstrakt U ovom radu analiziramo uticaj supkulture na preference kod stimulacija u upravljanju. Naša namera je da istražimo uobičajeno mišljenje da na ovom nivou postoje razlike u kulturi i da utvrdimo da li ove razlike utiču na efektivnost MI. Nizhipoteza testirali smo pomoću jednog eksperimentalnog projekta zasnovanog na zaposlenima, Indijcima i Egipćanima.Studija je sprovedena u Abu Dabiju u Ujedinjenim Arapskim Emiratima. Zaključeno je da, uprkos tome što razlike naetničkom nivou postoje, kultura ipak nema značajnog uticaja na reakcije zaposlenih na MI. Konačno, u studiji smoprikazali i podatke koji dodatno potvrđuju vrednost skale koju smo koristili za merenje kulture. |
Pages: 28-38 | Strane: 28-38 |