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 Safeguarding and Promotion of Fragile Archival Material from the Lazić Family Private Library / Vasilije Milnović, Milena Kostić, Matea Milošević = Zaštita i promocija osetljivog arhivskog materijala iz privatne Biblioteke Lazić / Vasilije Milnović, Milena Kostić, Matea Milošević[About]

En/De/Fr/It- (first 9 out of 197 sentences) [pdf] Srpski - (prvih 9 od 197 rečenica) [pdf]
n2This paper introduces possibilities of using new digital technologies in preservation and presentation of fragile archival material and other library material in the context of smart libraries and it presents a contribution to the draft proposal for stan-dardization of digitization of such materials. n2Predmet ovog rada jeste upoznavanje sa mogućnostima novih digitalnih tehnologija u zaštiti i prezentaciji osetljivog arhivskog i drugog bibliotečkog materijala u kontekstu koncepta „pametne biblioteke“ (smart libraries), kao i, s tim u vezi, prilog predlogu nacrta za standardizaciju procesa digitalizacije te građe.
n3Cuttingedge digital technologies and tools provide new possibilities for humanities researchers who can now conduct contemporary and transparent research of rare and fragile archival material. n3Savremene digitalne tehnologije i digitalne alatke daju nove mogućnosti istraživačima iz polja humanistike koji sada na moderan i transparentan način mogu istraživati retke i osetljive arhivske materijale.
n4This paper will show that archival material, in the era of Industry 4.0 and the Internet of Things can be an extremely important part of the promotion of a culture in the context of smart libraries. n4Ovaj rad će pokazati da arhivski materijal, i u eri „Industrije 4.0“ (Industry 4.0 ) i „Interneta stvari“ (In-ternet of Things) može biti izuzetno važan deo promocije jedne kulture u kontekstu pametnih biblioteka.
n5However, the focus will be on standardization of digitization which is currently underway at the University Library. n5Ipak, posebna pažnja biće posvećena standardizaciji digitalizacije koja se trenutno sprovodi u Univerzitetskoj biblioteci.
n6KEYWORDS: smart libraries, new digital technologies, archival material, library material, digitization, standardization. n6KLjUČNE REČI: pametne biblioteke, nove digitalne tehnologije, arhivski materijal, bibliotečki materijal, digitalizacija, standardizacija.
n71 The paper was written within the project entitled Safeguarding the fragile collection of the private archive of the Lazic family, coordinated by the University Library “Svetozar Markovic” and funded by the British Library Endangered Archives Programme n71 Rad nastao u okviru projekta Safeguarding the fragile collection of the private archive of the Lazic family, za koji je Univerzitetska biblioteka “Svetozar Marković” dobila grant Britanske biblioteke iz programa Endangered Archives
n8A smart library concept has been developing in the era of Industry 4.0 where the Internet of Things (IoT) has become all pervasive (Evans, 2011) n8Koncept pametnih biblioteka se intenzivno razvija u eri „industrije 4.0“ gde „internet stvari“ postaje sveprožimajući (Evans, 2011).
n9The role of smart libraries in such a context is to become information hubs where new technology and accompanying concepts are introduced and ex-perimented with. n9Uloga pametnih biblioteka u tom kontekstu jeste da postanu glavna informativna središta u okviru kojih se eksperimentiše sa novim tehnologijama i upoznaje sa konceptima vezanim za tehnologiju.