En/De/Fr/It- (first 9 out of 42 sentences)
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Srpski - (prvih 9 od 42 rečenica)
n1 | "The Serpent in the Garden of Eden": Intellectual property in the Digital Millennium | n1 | "ZMIJA U RAJSKOM VRTU": INTELEKTUALNA SVOJINA U DIGITALNOM MILENIJUMU |
n2 | Aleksandra Pavlovicx, University of Belgrade, University Library "Svetozar Markovicx" | n2 | Aleksandra Pavlović, Univerzitetska biblioteka "Svetozar Marković" |
n3 | Abstract:Disposition of the scientifi c information and document supply, conceived in the form known after World War II, evolved in the interaction of the different structures of the scientifi c information and documents, is defi nitely in the digital phase today. | n3 | Apstrakt: Raspolaganje naučnim informacijama i snabdevanje naučnim dokumentima, u ovoj formi začeto posle Drugog svetskog rata, koje podrazumeva interakciju različitih struktura naučnih informacija i dokumenata, danas je definitivno u digitalnoj fazi. |
n4 | New technologies have provided quite revolutionary changes and on the other hand, social, cultural and philosophical contours of the science - as communication, evaluation, intellectual property, ethics etc, remain in classic forms, which implies many irregularities in our everyday activities. | n4 | Nove tehnologije su omogućile revolucionarne promene, dok su, s druge strane, sociološke, kulturološke i filozofske konture nauke, kakve su komunikacija, evaluacija, intelektualna svojina, etika itd, ostaju u klasičnim formama, što izaziva iregularnosti i u svakodnevnim aktivnostima. |
n5 | New copyright laws in the digital era and implications of these laws in national legislation (USA, EC, Serbia) predict some of them. | n5 | Novi zakon o autorskim pravima u digitalnom milenijumu i implikacije zakona u nacionalnim zakonodavstvima (SAD, EZ, Srbija) predviđaju neke. |
n6 | Situation in the field, however, reveals abundance of controversy concerning scientific document supply. | n6 | Praksa, međutim, otkriva obilje kontroverzi. |
n7 | The last decade certainly records fall in the Document supply and an apparent dominance of other types of access to scientific information and documents, which in our practice are retrospective conversion of serials, massive digitization of books and various forms of open access. | n7 | Poslednje decenije beleže svakako pad u snabdevanju naučnim dokumentima i dominaciju drugih pristupa naučnim informacijama i dokumentima, kakvi su u našoj praksi, masivna digitalizacija knjiga, retrospektivna konverzija serijskih publikacija i otvoreni pristupi. |
n8 | This has led to radical changes in the approach to scientific information, but also to quite different situations in the fi eld of intellectual property. | n8 | S jedne strane, ovo vodi do radikalnih promena u pristupima, ali stvara i sasvim nove situacije na polju intelektualnih svojina. |
n9 | Consortia's licenses represent an important and delicate instance of copyright, concerning supply of scientifi c documents. | n9 | Licence konzorcijuma čine važnu i delikatnu instancu u autorskom pravu, kada je reč o snabdevanju naučnim dokumentima. |