En/De/Fr/It- (first 9 out of 232 sentences)
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Srpski - (prvih 9 od 232 rečenica)
n1 | Statistics and Evaluation in Libraries | n1 | Statistika i evaluacija u bibliotekama |
n2 | Cvetana Krstev* University of Belgrade, Faculty of Philology | n2 | Cvetana Krstev* Univerzitet u Beogradu, Filološki fakultet |
n3 | Milan Vasiljevicx** Belgrade City Library | n3 | Milan Vasiljević** Biblioteka grada Beograda |
n4 | Abstract: In this paper we present the scope and aims of the use of statistics and evaluation in libraries and how they are supported by the IFLA - International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions. | n4 | Apstrakt: U ovom radu predstavljamo čime se bave i kojim ciljevima služe statistika i evaluacija u bibliotekama i kako ovo polje bibliotečkog rada podržava Međunarodna federacija bibliotečkih asocijacija i institucija IFLA. |
n5 | We give the overview of library activities that can be measured and what methods can be used perform it. | n5 | Dalje navodimo koje se sve aktivnosti u bibliotekama mogu meriti i na koje načine. |
n6 | International standards and initiatives propose indicators and measures as well as methods for their use that enforce the compatibility of statistical data locally collected and enable their aggregation on the national level. | n6 | Predstavljamo međunarodne standarde i inicijative koje propisuju pokazatelje i mere i načine njihovog korišćenja koji obezbeđuju kompatibilnost lokalno prikupljenih podataka i mogućnost njihovog agregiranja na nacionalnom nivou. |
n7 | Software for library statistics and evaluation facilitates the work of librarians and enables the better promotion of the role of libraries in the society. | n7 | Na raspolaganju je i softver koji bibliotekarima olakšava prikupljanje i obradu statističkih podataka, između ostalog i za promociju bolju vidljivost rada biblioteka, |
n8 | For many libraries free open source software for library statistics is especially interesting. | n8 | a za mnoge biblioteke je posebno zanimljiv slobodan softver otvorenog koda. |
n9 | Finally, we illustrate how is formal education of librarians for producing and using library statistics performed in some Library and Information Science schools in the Balkan region and elsewhere. | n9 | Konačno prikazujemo na primerima nekih bibliotečkih škola u regionu i šire kako se pristupa obrazovanju bibliotekara za vođenje statistike u bibliotekama i evaluaciju rada biblioteka u okviru njihovog formalnog obrazovanja. |