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 Krstev et al., 2008, vol. IX:1/2, ID: 1.2008.1/2.2[About]

En/De/Fr/It- (first 9 out of 329 sentences) [pdf] Srpski - (prvih 9 od 329 rečenica) [pdf]
n1Cooperative Work in Further Development of Serbian Wordnet n1Kooperativan rad na dogradnji Srpskog WORDNETA
n2Cvetana Krstev, Faculty of Philology, Belgrade, Bojana Dxordxevicx, Faculty of Philology, Belgrade, Sanja Antonicx, University Library "Svetozar Markovicx", Belgrade, Nevena Ivkovicx-Bercyek, Faculty of Theology, Belgrade, Zorica Zorica, Art Gallery, the Legacy of the Collector Rajko Mamuzicx, Novi Sad, Vesna Crnogorac, Association of the Librarians of Serbia, Ljiljana Macura, National library of Serbia n2Cvetana Krstev, Filološki fakultet, Bojana Đorđević, Filološki fakultet, Sanja Antonić, Univerzitetska biblioteka "Svetozar Marković", Nevena Ivković-Berček, Biblioteka Teološkog fakulteta u Beogradu, Zorica Zorica, Galerija likovne umetnosti poklon zbirka Rajka Mamuzica, Vesna Crnogorac, Bibliotekarsko društvo Srbije, Ljiljana Macura, Narodna biblioteka Srbije
n3Abstract: In this paper we present the computational lexical database Wordnet that has become the de facto standard for semantic networks. n3Apstrakt: U ovom radu predstavljamo informatičku leksičku bazu podataka Wordnet koja je postala de facto standard za semantičke mreže.
n4The first network of this type and, at the same time, the most developed one that was produced at the University of Princeton in the Laboratory for cognitive sciences, has served as a basis for the development of wordnets for many other languages. n4Prva ovakva mreža izgrađena za engleski jezik na Prinstonskom univerzitetu u laboratoriji za kognitivne nauke ostala je i najrazvijenija baza podataka ove vrste, ujedno posluživši kao osnov za izgradnju wordneta za mnoge druge jezike.
n5Wordnets that were developed in the scope of European research projects EuroWordNet and BalkaNet are aligned with the Princeton wordnet, which enables their successful use in many multi-lingual applications. n5Wordneti izgrađeni u okviru evropskih projekata EuroWordNet i BalkaNet poravnati su sa Prinstonskim wordnetom što omogućava njihovo korišćenje u mnogim višejezičkim primenama.
n6The development of the Serbian wordnet was initiated during the BalkaNet project, and, after the end of that project, the work on its further development continued through the volunteer and cooperative work of many collaborators whose work is presented in this paper. n6Tako je i razvoj srpskog wordneta otpočeo u okviru BalkaNet projekta, a potom nastavljen kroz volonterski rad i kooperaciju mnogih saradnika čiji se rad ovde predstavlja.
n71 Wordnet n71. Wordnet
n8Wordnet is an extremely large lexical database that is organized through nodes and relations established between these nodes (Fellbaum, Christiane, ed. 1998). n8Wordnet je vrlo velika leksička baza podataka koja je organizovana preko čvorova i relacija između tih čvorova (Fellbaum, Christiane, ed. 1998).
n9These nodes, which are termed in Wordnet synsets, from synonymous sets, represent sets of words that express in some context the same meaning. n9Ovi čvorovi koji se u wordnetu nazivaju sinsetovi, od engleskog synset ili synonymous set predstavljaju zapravo skupove reči koje nekom kontekstu imaju isto značenje.