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Management Consulting for SMEE Sector from Client PerspectiveMenadžment konsalting u sektoru MSPP iz perspektive klijenta
Management, [pdf]Menadžment, [pdf]
ID: 7.2010.55.8 Number: Year: 2010 UDC: 005.942:334.7 [tmx] [bow]
Dr Dragan Dukić
Institution: Philip MAKON Consulting Agency – Novi Sad
Dr Dragan Dukić
Institucija: gencija za konsalting Philip MAKON - Novi Sad
Dr Ivica Nikolić
Institution: Faculty of Real Estate Management – Belgrade
Dr Ivica Nikolić
Institucija: Fakultet za manadžment nekretnina - Beograd
The paper analyzes the views of the owners and managers of small and medium-sized enterprises on management consulting in the transitional circumstances in Serbia. The management consulting service can be defined as successful only if the client is satisfied with the results and the manner in which the consultant is engaged, however, in order that the consultant be able to deliver the service in a satisfactory manner, he must have certain skills. The reasons for hiring consultants in the SMEE sector the consultants- competences, and the performance indicators of the management consulting service, represent the guidelines for consultants to achieve the best possible effects in consulting services.
U radu se analizira pogled vlasnika i menadžera malih i srednjih preduzeća, na menadžment konsalting, u tranzi-cionim okolnostima u Srbiji. Menadžment konsalting usluga može biti definisana kao uspesna samo ako je klijent zadovoljan rezultatom i načinom anga'ovanja konsultanta, a da bi konsultant mogao da realizuje uslugu na zadovoljavajućem nivou, neophodno je da poseduje određene sposobnosti. Razlozi angažovanja konsultanta u sektoru MSPP, sposobnosti konsultanta, kao i pokazatelji uspeha menadžment konsalting usluge, identifikovani od strane klijenta, predstavljaju smernicu konsultantima u cilju postizanja sto boljih efekata konsalting usluga.
Pages: 69-77Strane: 69-77