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Service Quality Management in The Libraries at The University of Niš Faculties Using The VIKOR MethodUpravljanje kvalitetom usluga u bibliotekama fakulteta na Univerzitetu u Nišu primenom VIKOR metode
INFOtheca, Scientific paper [pdf]INFOteka, Naučni rad [pdf] [WikiData]
ID: 1.2013.1.3 Number: 1 Volume: XIV Month: 06 Year: 2013 UDC: 027.7(497.11 Niš):005.94 [tmx] [bow]
Mirjana Mančev
Institution: University of Niš, Faculty of Science and Mathematics Library
Mirjana Mančev
Institucija: Univerzitet u Nišu, Prirodno-matematički fakultet, Biblioteka
In its operation, a library as an educational and cultural institution is primarily concerned with the various needs of its users. These needs are very complex in the contemporary world which is characterized by the application of information and communication technologies. The heterogeneity and complexity of users’ needs affect the quantity and quality of services provided, but also require daily monitoring of trends, acquiring new knowledge as well as a constant education of the employees. The paper aims to analyze the quality of the services provided by the libraries at the University of Niš. In order to achieve this, the author has applied one of the methods of multi-criteria analysis, i.e. the VIKOR method. Using this method, the ranking of libraries is performed on the basis of the following criteria simultaneously: the time spent on searching through the library fund in the available computer databases, the size of the available space and the size of the available library fund. The results of the application of the mentioned method indicate that this application is justified, because it represents a basis for an objective solution to the problem of selecting a library that provides the highest quality of customer service.
U svom poslovanju, biblioteka kao ustanova obrazovanja i kulture, prvenstveno polazi od različitih potreba svojih korisnika. Potrebe korisnika u savremenom svetu, koga karakteriše primena informacionih i telekomunikacionih tehnologija, su veoma kompleksne. Heterogenost i kompleksnost potreba korisnika utiče na kvantitet i kvalitet pružanja bibliotečkih usluga, ali zahteva i svakodnevno praćenje trendova, sticanje novih znanja kao i kontinuirano usavršavanje znanja zaposlenih u biblioteci. Osnovni cilj rada je bio da se analizira kvalitet pruženih usluga u bibliotekama fakulteta Univerziteta u Nišu. Da bi se ostvario navedeni cilj rada, autor je primenio jednu od metoda višekriterijumske analize, tzv. VIKOR metodu. Primenom navedene metode izvršeno je rangiranje biblioteka polazeći od sledećih kriterijuma istovremeno: vremena potrebnog za pretraživanje bibliotečkog fonda putem dostupnih elektronskih baza podataka, veličine prostora i veličine bibliotečkog fonda koji su na raspolaganju korisnicima. Rezultati primene navedene metode ukazuju da je primena navedenog metoda opravdana, jer predstavlja osnovu za objektivno rešavanje problema izbora biblioteke koja pruža najkvalitetnije usluge korisnicima.
Keywords: library, faculty, multi-criteria analysis, the VIKOR methodKljučne reči: Biblioteka, fakultet, višekriterijumska analiza, VIKOR metoda
Pages: 15a-25aStrane: 17-28
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Translator: Prevodilac: