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 Veselinova et al., 2012, No. 64, ID: 7.2012.64.10[About]

En/De/Fr/It- (first 9 out of 150 sentences) [pdf] Srpski - (prvih 9 od 150 rečenica) [pdf]
n1Elena Veselinova, Marija Gogova Samonikov n1Elena Veselinova, Marija Gogova Samonikov
n2Faculty of Economics, Goce Delcev University, Stip, Macedonia n2Ekonomski fakultet Univerziteta Goce Delčev u Štipu, Makedonija
n3SMEs Inovation and Growth in EU n3Inoviranje i rast MSP u EU
n4XIII International Symposium SymOrg 2012, 05 - 09 June 2012, Zlatibor, Serbia n4XIII Internacionalni Simpozijum SymOrg 2012, 05.- 09. Jun 2012, Zlatibor, Srbija
n5The focus of this paper is the analysis of the most important factors for SMEs’ performance, survival and growth in EU. n5Tema ovog rada je analiza najznačajnijih faktora koji utiču na rezultate, opstanak i rast MSP u EU.
n6The main objective is to consider what determines the potential failure of young companies to innovate and grow. n6Glavni cilj jeste da se stekne uvid u to šta predodređuje potencijalni neuspeh mladih kompanija da uvode inovacije i da rastu.
n7The importance for new, young and thus often still small firms to introduce innovations and grow is commonly claimed. n7Postoji opšta saglasnost o tome da je za nove, mlade i stoga često još uvek male firme značajno da uvode inovacije i da se razvijaju.
n8Therefore, factors that would inhibit these small, young companies to achieve their goals can have a huge public impact. n8Stoga faktori koji ometaju ove male, mlade kompanije mogu da imaju ogroman uticaj u javnosti.
n9The research results show that the age of the firm (which reflects its reputation) is important to the degree to which the firm feels financially constrained. n9Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da je starost firme (što odražava i njen ugled) značajna do onog ste-pena do kojeg se firma oseća finansijski ograničenom.