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 Domazet et al., 2011, vol. XVI:61, ID: 7.2011.61.9[About]

En/De/Fr/It- (first 9 out of 188 sentences) [pdf] Srpski - (prvih 9 od 188 rečenica) [pdf]
n1Strategic Management Concept and Market Restructuring as a Response to New Challenges of the World Financial Crisis n1Strategijski koncept upravljanja i tržišno restrukturiranje kao odgovor na izazove u uslovima svetske finansijske krize
n2Ivana Domazet, Ivan Stošic, Jovan Zubovic n2Ivana Domazet, Ivan Stošic, Jovan Zubovic
n3The negative effects of global financial and economic crises foster the application of modern concepts of strategic management. n3Negativni efekti svetske finansijske i ekonomske krize aktueliziraju primenu savremenih koncepata strategijskog menadžmenta.
n4In fact, radical changes of business environment, which are manifested by numerous discontinuities and turbulent changes of business environment, justify the implementation of significant structural changes in principles of business activities. n4Naime, radikalne promene poslovnog okruženja, u kome se ispoljavaju brojni diskontinuiteti i turbulentne izmene uslova poslovanja, neminovno namecu sprovodenje znacajnih strukturnih promena u nacinu poslovanja.
n5In addition, the application of strategic management concepts, within the necessary structural changes, represents a rational analytical framework to challenges from the environment. n5Pri tome, primena koncepata strategijskog menadžmenta, u sklopu neophodnih strukturnih promena, predstavlja racionalan analiticki okvir za odgovore na izazove iz okruženja.
n6In order to achieve distinctive competitive advantage and satisfaction of diminishing consumer demands, it is necessary to implement a comprehensive business restructuring process, to a large extent based on market restructuring. n6Pre svega kroz obezbedenje dis-tinktivne konkurentske prednosti i satisfakcije sve zahtevnijih potrošaca, u novoizmenjenim tržišnim uslovima pada tra'nje, jaca potreba za implementacijom sveobuhvatnih procesa poslovnog restrukturiranja koje je u znacajnoj meri zasnovano na tržišnom restrukturiranju.
n7Specifically, market restructuring, which includes a series of structural changes in market orientation and marketing activities, may provide a new strategic leverage, that is, through innovation of the business portfolio, the structure of the target market and marketing mix instruments, contribute to the survival and further growth and development of numerous business entities. n7Naime, tržišno restrukturiranje, koje obuhvata niz strukturnih promena u tržišnoj orijentaciji i marketing aktivnostima, može da obezbedi novi strategijski leveridž, odnosno da se kroz inovacije poslovnog portfolija, strukture ciljnih tržišta i kombinaciju instrumenata marketinga, doprinese opstanku i daljem rastu i razvoju brojnih privrednih subjekta.
n81. Introduction n81. Uvod
n9The current global financial crisis has led to many changes in the ways macroeconomic policy is implemented, however, also in the ways the business of numerous econimoc entities are conducted. n9Aktuelna globalna finansijska kriza dovela je do brojnih promena u nacinu vodenja makroekonomske politike, ali i do promena u nacinu upravljanja poslovanjem brojnih privrednih subjekta.