En/De/Fr/It- (first 9 out of 234 sentences)
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Srpski - (prvih 9 od 234 rečenica)
n1 | Project Vulnerability: State of the Art and Propositions for Future Framework Development | n1 | Ranjivost projekta: stanje i predloži za razvijanje buducih okvira delovanja |
n2 | Sanja Jovi~i], Franck Marle, Jean-Claude Bocquet, Marija Jankovi], Ludovic-Alexandre Vidal | n2 | Sanja Jovicic, Franck Marie, Jean-Claude Bocquet, Marija Jankovic, Ludovic-Alexandre Vidal |
n3 | LaboratoireGénie Industriel, Ecole Centrale Paris, France | n3 | LaboratoireGénie Industriel, Ecole Centrale Paris, France |
n4 | Faculty of Organizational Sciences, University of Belgrade | n4 | Faculty of Organizational Sciences, University of Belgrade |
n5 | This paper reviews research studies of vulnerability in different scientific disciplines. | n5 | Ovaj rad predstavlja prikaz istraživanja ranjivosti u razlicitim naucnim disciplinama. |
n6 | Here, we also challenge present research to incorporate this concept into the domain of project risk management. | n6 | Takode predstavlja i poziv da se ovaj koncept ukljuci u oblast upravljanja projektnim rizikom. |
n7 | The formulation of vulnerability has usually common though contested meaning. | n7 | Formulacija ranjivosti ima upošteno sasvim obicno, mada sporno znacenje. |
n8 | It is explained as a degree to which a system is susceptible to harm and incapable to cope with its adverse effects. | n8 | Definiše se kao stepen do koga je sistem podložan oštecenju i nesposoban da se nosi sa negativnim posledicama tog oštecenja. |
n9 | But the concept seems not fully operational. | n9 | Izgleda da ovaj koncept nije potpuno operativan. |