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 Ćetković et al., 2011, vol. XVI:61, ID: 7.2011.61.4[About]

En/De/Fr/It- (first 9 out of 171 sentences) [pdf] Srpski - (prvih 9 od 171 rečenica) [pdf]
n1Analysis of Existing Housing Fund and Current Housing Construction With Focus on Real Estate Market in Montenegro n1Analiza postojeceg stambenog fonda i tekuce stambene izgradnje sa osvrtom na tržište nekretnina u Crnoj Gori
n2Jasmina Cetkovic, Snežana Rutešic, Miloš Kneževic n2Jasmina Cetkovic, Snežana Rutešic, Miloš Kneževic
n3Faculty of Economics in Podgorica n3Ekonomski fakultet u Podgorici
n4Although in Montenegro the right to having a flat is not defined by the Constitution, Montenegro, as a signatory of certain international agreements and conventions, is committed to approach this issue in accordance with undertaken obligations, with appreciation of all specificities caused by the historical legacy in this area and relatively limited opportunities which are consequences of the social system size. n4Iako u Crnoj Gori pravo na stan nije definisano Ustavom, Crna Gora se kao potpisnik odredenih medunarodnih sporazuma i konvencija obavezala da ovome pitanju pristupi u skladu sa preuzetim obavezama, uz uvažavanje svih specificnosti prouzrokovanih istorijskim naslijedem u ovoj oblasti i relativno ogranicenim mogucnostima koje su posledica velicine društvenog sistema.
n5Housing policy is a complex problem, which imposes the need for a multidisciplinary approach to define priorities and measures to consolidate the instruments for achieving positive results in this area. n5Stambena politika je kompleksan problem koji namece potrebu multidisciplinarnog pristupa definisanju prioriteta i mjera u cilju objedinjavanja instrumenata za postizanje pozitivnih rezultata u ovoj oblasti.
n6National housing strategy should define the vision and the directions of activities in Montenegro in this area. n6Nacionalna stambena strategija treba da definiše viziju i pravce djelovanja Crne Gore u ovoj oblasti.
n71. Introduction n71. Uvod
n8Housing construction in Montenegro can certainly count on certain internal resources, such as all kinds of favorable conditions for intensification and improvement of housing construction in the following period, which were used in previous period to a greater or lower extent. n8Stambena izgradnja u Crnoj Gori svakako može da racuna na odredene interne potencijale, kao svojevrsne povoljne uslove za intenziviranje i unapredenje stambene gradnje u periodu koji slijedi, a koji su i u prethodnom periodu korišceni u vecoj ili manjoj mjeri.
n9The significant housing construction potential includes: indisputable housing need, especially of young population and certain target groups; undisputed relevant spatial resources; development of partnership between public and private sector; existence of certain interest of strategic partners from the country and abroad for housing construction; the need to adjust to the European standards, especially in view of the energy efficiency of the buildings, the effect of construction production on employment and consumption of certain material goods. n9U znacajne potencijale stambene izgradnje u Crnoj Gori ubrajamo: nespornu potrebu za stanovima, narocito mlade populacije i odredenih ciljnih grupa; nesporno znacajne prostorne resurse; razvoj partnerstva izmedu javnog i privatnog sektora; postojanje odredene zainteresovanosti strateških partnera iz zemlje i inostranstva za stambenu izgradnju; potreba za us-aglašavanjem sa evropskim standardima, posebno u dijelu energetske efikasnosti objekata; uticaj gradevinske proizvodnje na zapošljavanje i potrošnju odredenih materijalnih dobara.