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 Levi Jakšić M., 2011, vol. XVI:60, ID: 7.2011.60.11[About]

En/De/Fr/It- (first 9 out of 38 sentences) [pdf] Srpski - (prvih 9 od 38 rečenica) [pdf]
n1Book review n1U svetu knjiga
n2Crowds and Markets n2Crowds and Markets
n3D. Easley, J. Kleinberg, Networks, Crowds and Markets, Cambridge n3D. Easley, J. Kleinberg, Networks, Crowds and Markets, Cambridge
n4In more that seven hundred pages, the authors present a new and a widely popular topic of networks and the connectedness of a globalized world. n4Na više od sedam stotina stranica autori predstavljaju novu i aktuelnu oblast mreža i povezanosti globalizovanog sveta.
n5The complexity of this topic is illustrated by a large number of various theme areas specifically chosen as being relevant in the description of the phenomenon of connectedness in the modern world. n5Kompleksnost ove oblasti predstavljena je razuđenim sadržajem različitih tematskih oblasti koje su posebno odabrane kao relevantne za predstavljanje fenomena povezivanja u savremenom svetu.
n6In the very introduction the authors stress that understanding the intertwined and complex ties among various participants has become a crucial issue, specific in that it gives a powerful new character to modern societies and economies. n6U samom uvodu autori ističu da je razumevanje isprepletenih i složenih međusobnih veza u koje stupaju različiti akteri postalo ključno pitanje koje se izdvaja po tome što daje snažan pečat savremenim društvima i ekonomijama.
n7This connectedness is broadly analysed, in the fields of unprecedented and ever more rapid growth of the Internet, in the increasingly easier and quicker communication, as well as in an increasingly intensive braekthrough of news and information and epidemics and financial crises that spread around the world at surprising speed and intensity. n7Ova povezanost se veoma široko razmatra, na poljima naglog i ubrzanog razvoja Interneta, u sve lakšoj i bržoj komunikaciji i u sve intenzivnijem prodoru vesti i informacija, kao i epidemija i finansijskih kriza koje se šire iznenađujućom brzinom i intenzitetom.
n8These phenomena are perceived from the aspect of networks, incentives and overall changes in the behaviour of individuals and groups, and are oriented towards exploring the links that connect us together and the manner in which the decisions we make affect others. n8Ovi fenomeni se posmatraju sa aspekta mreža, podsticaja i sveukupnih promena u ponašanju pojedinaca i grupa, a usmereni su ka tome da istraže veze koje postoje među nama i načine na koje odluke koje donosimo imaju uticaja na druge.
n9The book Networks, Crowds and Markets presents the ties between economic, social, and technological worlds. n9U knjizi Mreže, mase i tržišta predstavljena je povezanost ekonomskih, drštvenih i tehnoloških svetova.