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 Gveroski et al., 2011, vol. XVI:59, ID: 7.2011.59.10[About]

En/De/Fr/It- (first 9 out of 80 sentences) [pdf] Srpski - (prvih 9 od 80 rečenica) [pdf]
n1Small and Medium Enterprises - Economic Development Drivers n1Mala i srednja preduzeca - zamajac ekonomskog razvoja
n2Miroslav Gveroski, Aneta Risteska, Stevco Dimeski n2Miroslav Gveroski, Aneta Risteska, Stevco Dimeski
n3Faculty of Economics —Prilep n3Ekonomski fakultet - Prilep
n4Faculty of Economics - Prilep n4Ekonomski fakultet - Prilep
n5Stopanska Banka - AD Skopje n5Stopanska Banka - AD Skopje
n6XII International Symposium SymOrg 2010, 09 -12 June 2010, Zlatibor, Serbia n6XII Internacionalni Simpozijum SymOrg 2010, 09.-12. Jun 2010, Zlatibor, Srbija
n7Considering the fact that many of the countries are going through a transitional period, the drivers of development should be small and medium enterprises. n7Veliki broj zemalja prolazi kroz period tranzicije i stoga MSP predstavljaju značajne zamajce razvoja.
n8In this paper an analysis of the meaning of SME’s will be performed in a way to show the huge contribution of SME’s for overcoming the causes of transition and recovering the competition, entrepreneurship and increasing the economy efficiency. n8U ovom radu predstavićemo analizu MSP s ciljem da prikažemo njihov doprinos u prevazilaženju posledica tranzicije, povećanju konkurencije, preduzetništvu i efikasnosti ekonomije.
n9The elaboration of perspectives and advantages of small and medium enterprises is given at the end. n9Na kraju ovog rada elaborirane su prednosti i nedostaci malih i srednjih preduzeca. Uvod