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 Ciuiu D., 2011, vol. XVI:58, ID: 7.2011.58.8[About]

En/De/Fr/It- (first 9 out of 116 sentences) [pdf] Srpski - (prvih 9 od 116 rečenica) [pdf]
n1Modeling the Fraud-like Investment Founds by Petri Nets n1Modelovanje lažnih investicionih fondova primenom Petrijevih mreža
n2Daniel Ciuiu1’ 2 n2Daniel Ciuiu’ 2
n31Technical University of Civil Engineering, Bucharest, Romania n31 Mašinski fakultet, Bukurešt, Rumunija
n42Romanian Institute for Economic Forecasting, Bucharest, Romania n42 Rumunski institut za ekonomske prognoze, Bukurešt, Rumunija
n5XII International Symposium SymOrg 2010, 09 -12 June 2010, Zlatibor, Serbia n5XII Internacionalni Simpozijum SymOrg 2010, 09.-12. Jun 2010, Zlatibor, Srbija
n6In this paper we model the fraud-like investment founds using place-transition Petri nets. n6U ovom radu izradujemo model lažnih investicionih fondova primenom Petrijevih mreža pozicija (mesta) i tranzi-cija.
n7We will also classify the business using regression line in order to find the possible fraud-like investment founds. n7Takode cemo izvršiti klasifikaciju firmi primenom regresije da bismo proverili da li postoje moguci lažni investicioni fondovi.
n8In these regression lines we compute analytical the mark of a place in function of some other elements of the Petri net, and next we express this value in function of the same elements using regression. n8U ovoj regresiji analiticki cemo izracunati markere (stanja, nišane, prim.prev.) pozicija na kojima se sticu neki drugi elementi Petrijeve mreže, a onda cemo izraziti ovu vrednost u funkciji ovih istih elemenata primenom regresije.
n9From the identity of the coefficients we find a ratio between two weights of arcs. n9Na oCn+vu istovetnosti koeficijenata naci cemo odnos izmedu dve težine (pondera) strelica.