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 Knežević et al., 2010, vol. XV:57, ID: 7.2010.57.3[About]

En/De/Fr/It- (first 9 out of 142 sentences) [pdf] Srpski - (prvih 9 od 142 rečenica) [pdf]
n1Importance of Strategic Management Accounting for Bank Management n1Znacaj strategijskog upravljackog racunovodstva za upravljanje bankama
n2Snežana Kneževic1, Miloš Milosavljevic1, Veljko Dmitrovic1, n2Snežana Kneževic1, Miloš Milosavljevic1, Veljko Dmitrovic1,
n3IFaculty of Organizational Sciences, Belgrade n3IFakultet organizacionih nauka u Beogradu
n4As part of significant dynamic changes in the banking sector, the aim of this paper is to identify the information portfolio for strategic management in Serbian banks. n4U sklopu znacajnih dinamicnih promena u bankarskom sektoru, cilj ovog rada jeste identifikacija informacionog portfolija za strategijsko upravljanje bankama u Srbiji.
n5Foreign banks entering the domestic market of banking products have caused the competition in the banking sector to increase, which fostered the information to become a resource of primary importance for the formulation of the bank’s strategy in various business segments. n5Ulaskom stranih banaka domace tržište bankarskih proizvoda, povecana je konkurencija na bankarskom tržištu, te informacije postaju resurs od primodijarnog znacaja za formulisanje strategije banke u razlicitim poslovnim segmentima.
n61. Introduction n61. Uvod
n7Strategic decisions refer to the conduct strategy and actually define the level to which a bank is developed, the profits distribution, the capitalization level, the decisions on reorganization, the development of the existing and the introduction of new bank products, etc. n7Odluke strateškog karaktera odnose se na strategiju ponašanja i predstavljaju definisanje nivoa razvoja banke, odluke o raspodeli profita, nivou kapitalizaci-je, odluke o reorganizaciji, razvoju postojecih i uvodenju novih bankarskih proizvoda i dr.
n8The complexity of the strategic management accounting techniques themselves in the banks goes far beyond those quoted and described in the academic studies so far. n8Složenost samih tehnika strategijskog upravljackog racunovodstva u bankama prevazilazi one navedene i opisane u dosadašnjim teorijskim studijama.
n9As each decision can be good to the extent to which its information basis is reliable, information can be said to have become a strategic resource of management. n9Kako svaka odluka može biti dobra u tolikoj meri koliko je dobra i njena informaciona podloga, može se reci da su informacije postale strategijski resurs menadžmen-ta.