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 Benković et al., 2010, vol. XV:56, ID: 7.2010.56.2[About]

En/De/Fr/It- (first 9 out of 180 sentences) [pdf] Srpski - (prvih 9 od 180 rečenica) [pdf]
n1Risks of Project Financing n1Rizici projektnog finansiranja
n2Benkovi] Slalana , Milo[ Milosavljevi] n2Benkovi] Slađana' , Milo[ Milosavljevi]
n31Faculty of Organizational Sciences, Belgrade n31Fakultet organizacionih nauka u Beogradu
n4Project financing is a model of financing the projects based on the analysis of the feasibility of the project itself, since only the projects whose generated money inflow from the project is high enough to allow for the repay of invested funds are considered eligible. n4Projektno finansiranje je takav modalitet finansiranja projekata koji se zasniva na analizi opravdanosti samog projekta, budući da se smatraju prihvatljivim samo projekti kod kojih je generisani priliv novčanog toka projekta dovoljno visok da omogućava otplatu investiranih sredstava.
n5Consequently, the contracting followed by the project financing has to meet mutual interests of various parties, and therefore the expected economic return from each participant is in proportion with the risk they bear in the project execution process. n5Shodno tome, ugovaranje koje prati projektno finansiranje treba da zadovolji zajedničke interese različitih strana, te je i očekivani ekonomski prinos svakog učesnika u srazmeri sa rizikom koji nosi prilikom realizacije projekta.
n6Hence a successful project financing analysis is said to be based on the examination of all the risks that the project carries during its life cycle. This paper but points out these risks. n6Zato se obično kaže, da je uspesna analiza projektnog finansiranja zasnovana na razmatranju svih rizika sa kojima se projekat nosi tokom svog života, te se radom ukazuje na njih.
n71. Introduction n71. Uvod
n8Project financing is a specific type of financing, that is, a financing technique especially suitable in the execution of infrastructure and industrial projects. n8Projektno finansiranje je specifičan oblik finansiranja, odnosno tehnika finansiranja prevashodno pogodna za realizaciju infrastrukturnih i industrijskih projekata.
n9It is a complex procedure by which the lender (investor) expects the loaned funds to be paid back exclusively from the returns the infrastructure project generates, where a large share of borrowed money, as well as inadequate financial reasults threaten to endanger the sustainability of the infrastructure project. n9Reč je o složenom postupku kojim zajmodavac (odnosno investitor) očekuje otplatu pozajmljenih sredstava isključivo od priliva koje infrastrukturni projekat generiše, pri čemu visok udeo pozajmljenih sredstava, kao i neadekvatni finansijski rezultati mogu ugroziti održivost infrastrukturnog projekta.