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 Čupić M., 2010, vol. XV:56, ID: 7.2010.56.10[About]

En/De/Fr/It- (first 9 out of 216 sentences) [pdf] Srpski - (prvih 9 od 216 rečenica) [pdf]
n1External Measures of Manager’s Success to Create Shareholder Value n1Eksterna merila uspeha menadžera da stvore vrednost za akcionare
n2Milan Cupic n2Milan Čupić
n3Faculty of Economics, Kragujevac n3Ekonomski fakultet u Kragujevcu
n4External value measures are the favorite tools of modern investors and managers to assess current and prospective company’s ability to achieve the goal of maximizing shareholder value. n4Eksterna merila vrednosti predstavljaju omiljene instrumente savremenih investitora i menadžera za procenu tekuće i perspektivne sposobnosti kompanije da ostvari cilj maksimiziranja vrednosti za akcionare.
n5They provide a market assessment of intrinsic value of a company, and management’s performance and strategy. n5Ona pružaju tržišnu procenu suštinske vrednosti preduzeća, te performansi i strategija menad'menta.
n6The aim of this paper is to examine the applicability of some external value measures for assessing the success of management to create shareholder value. n6Cilj ovog rada je da ispita upotrebljivost nekoliko eksternih merila vrednosti za ocenu uspešnosti menadžera da stvore vrednost za akcionare.
n7The paper points out that managers can only partially affect the market share price, hence the amount of these measures. n7U radu se ističe da menadžeri mogu samo delimićno uticati na tržišnu cenu akcija, time i na visinu ovih merila.
n8Therefore, a particular problem is to determine the part of shareholder value, which was created thanks to management of a company. n8Zato je poseban problem utvrditi onaj deo vrednosti za akcionare čijem je stvaranju doprineo menadžment kompanije.
n91. Introductory notes n91. Uvodna razmatranja