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 Kuzmanović et al., 2010, vol. XV:54, ID: 7.2010.54.7[About]

En/De/Fr/It- (first 9 out of 177 sentences) [pdf] Srpski - (prvih 9 od 177 rečenica) [pdf]
n1The Role of Conjoint Analysis in the New Product Price Sensibility Research n1Uloga conjoint analize u istraživanju cenovne osetljivosti novih proizvoda
n2Marija Kuzmanovi], Tijana Obradovi] n2Marija Kuzmanovic, Tijana Obradovic
n3Faculty of Organizational Sciences n3Fakultet organizacionih nauka
n4It is very important that in the new product development process we should be able to predict its sales price. n4U procesu razvoja novog proizvoda veoma je značajno predviditi njegovu prodajnu cenu.
n5The pricing strategy is largely responsible for whether the prospective customers will accept the new product as well as for the income to be earned from its sale. n5Strategija cena u mnogome određuje prihvatanje novog proizvoda od strane potencijalnih potrošača kao i prihode koji će se njegovom prodajom ostvariti.
n6In defining the pricing strategy it is necessary that, besides the price elasticity, we pay attention to the customer demand elasticity, in terms of customer preferences, their perception of value and the very situation in which the product is purchased. n6Prilikom definisanja strategije cene potrebno je, pored elastičnosti cene, obratiti pažnju i na elastičnost zahteva potrošača, u smislu potrošačkih preferencija, percepcije vrednosti i same situacije pri kupovini.
n7Many methods are at our disposal when it comes to obtaining a thorough insight into customers’ demands, and, in view of the presumptions on which they are based, they yield different levels of useful information. n7Za dobijanje kompletne slike potrošačkih zahteva moguće je koristiti veći broj metoda, koje u zavisnosti od pretpostavki na kojima se baziraju, pružaju različit nivo korisnih informacija.
n8This paper presents the model of individual elasticity of demand and a review of methods most commonly implemented in pricing research with special emphasis on the conjoint analysis. n8U radu je predstavljen model individualne elastičnosti tražnje i dat je pregled metoda koje se u praksi najčešće koriste za cenovna istraživanja, sa posebnim naglaskom na conjoint analizu.
n9The conclusion that is drawn is that the traditional conjoint analysis and the choice based conjoint analysis are the methods that yield best results in pricing research conducted both in the early phases of the new product development and throughout their launching and the entire life cycle. n9Zaključak je da su tradicionalna conjoint analiza i conjoint analiza bazirana na izboru metode koje daju najbolje rezultate u cenovnim istra'ivanjama koja se sprovode kako u ranim fazama razvoja novih proizvoda, tako i tokom njihovog lansiranja i celog životnog ciklusa.