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 Babin M., 2009, vol. XIV:53, ID: 7.2009.53.6[About]

En/De/Fr/It- (first 9 out of 83 sentences) [pdf] Srpski - (prvih 9 od 83 rečenica) [pdf]
n1Effects of Fiscal Policy on the Maintenance of Macroeconomic Stability in Serbia in the 2001-2007 period. n1Efekti fiskalne politike na održavanje makroekonomske stabilnosti u Srbiji u periodu 2001-2007.
n2Mihajlo Babin n2Mihajlo Babin
n3Faculty of Economics, finance and administration, Beograd n3Fakultet za ekonomiju, finansije i administraciju, Beograd
n4This paper presents the research conducted to find out the effects of fiscal policy in Serbia over the 2001-2007pe-riod. n4U radu su istraživani efekti fiskalne politike u Srbiji tokom perioda 2001.-2007.
n5A dominantly procyclical fiscal policy had an unfavourable impact upon both external and internal balances. n5Dominantno prociklična fiskalna politika je negativno uticala na spoljnu i unutrašnju ravnotežu.
n6Larger budgetary revenues were followed by equally increased budgetary expenditures, which in terms of inadequately flexible aggregate supply created adverse pressures on the macroeconomic stability maintenance. n6Povećanje javnih prihoda je praćeno povećanjem tekućih javnih rashoda cime su u uslovima nedovoljno elastične agregatne ponude stvoreni negativni pritisci na održavanje makroekonomske stabilnosti. 1. Uvod
n7 n81. Introduction The key effect upon the maintenance of macroeconomic stability during the observed 2001-2007 transition period in Serbia was that of the fiscal policy measures. n7 n8Tokom posmatranog tranzicionog perioda u Srbiji 2001.-2007. mere fiskalne politike su imale kljucni uti-caj na održavanje makroekonomske stabilnosti.
n9This research will describe the analysis of the effects of fiscal policy upon the internal and the external balances. n9U ovom radu istraživanje će obuhvatiti analizu efekata mera fiskalne politike na unutrašnje i spoljne ravnoteže.
n10The analysis of the level of budgetary balance, the amount of public debt and the fiscal policy effects upon inflation and the foreign exchange rate allows for the identification of the Serbian fiscal policy transmission channels as well as of its impact on the macroeconomic stability. n10Analiza nivoa budžetskog bilansa, nivoa javnog duga i efekata fiskalne politike na inflaciju i devizni kurs omogućava utvrđivanje transmisionih kanala fiskalne politike u Srbiji i njenog uticaja na makroeko-nomsku stabilnost.