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 Petrović-Lazarević et al., 2009, vol. XIV:53, ID: 7.2009.53.2[About]

En/De/Fr/It- (first 9 out of 146 sentences) [pdf] Srpski - (prvih 9 od 146 rečenica) [pdf]
n1How the Australian Government Assists the Building and Construction Industry to be Sociality Responsible n1Kako australijska vlada pomaže građevinskoj industriji da postane društveno odgovorna
n2Sonja Petrovic-Lazarevic, Violet Lazarevic n2Sonja Petrovic-Lazarevic Violet Lazarevic
n3Faculty of Business and Economics Monash University, Melbourne, Australia n3Univerzitet Monash Australija
n4At present every country in the world is trying to minimise the negative effects of the economic crisis. n4Sve zemlje sveta danas čine napore da svedu negativne efekte ekonomske krize na najmanju meru.
n5Australia seems to be suffering least. n5Izgleda da je Australija najmanje pogođena ovom krizom.
n6This may be because the Australian Government supports the building and construction industry (BCI), which plays a key role in economic growth. n6To je možda i zato sto australijska vlada pruža veliku podršku građevinskoj industriji (BCI), koja je glavni nosilac njenog ekonomskog razvoja.
n7This paper highlights what activities the Australian Government has undertaken to maintain high performance of BCI by supporting sustainable development and corporate social responsibility (CSR). n7U ovom radu ističemo aktivnosti koje je australijska vlada preduzela da održi visoku produktivnost građevinske industrije, podržavajući održivi razvoj i korporativnu društvenu odgovornost (CSR).
n8Supporting these may lead to greater benefits for organisations. n8Ovakva podrška može organizacijama da donese velike koristi.
n9These activities provide a framework for industry organisations and other governments to guide their CSR initiatives. n9Ove aktivnosti predstavljaju okvir u kome industrijske organizacije i druge vlade mogu da određuju smer-nice svojih CSR inicijativa.