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 Levi Jakšić M., 2009, vol. XIV:53, ID: 7.2009.53.10[About]

En/De/Fr/It- (first 9 out of 37 sentences) [pdf] Srpski - (prvih 9 od 37 rečenica) [pdf]
n1Book review n1Osvrt
n2Managing Change n2Managing Change
n3Bernard Burnes, Managing Change, Prentice Hall, 2009 n3Bernard Burnes, Managing Change, Prentice Hall, 2009
n4On more than six hundred pages, the book offers a thorough and comprehensive review of an ever intriguing area of change management. n4U ovoj knjizi predstavljena je uvek aktuelna oblast upravljanja promenama temeljno i sveobuhvatno na preko šest stotina stranica.
n5It can without doubt be recommended as a must-read for an overall understanding of this dynamic discipline. n5Sigurno je da se može preporučiti kao nezaobilazno štivo za potpuno razumevanje ove dinamične discipline.
n6The fact that the fifth edition of the book has already been published is enough evidence on its fundamental character in the study of the change management field. n6Činjenica da je knjiga doživela i peto izdanje govori o njenom fundamnetalnom karakteru u proučavanju oblasti upravljanja promenama.
n7The premise that organizations have to change constantly, highlighted at the very beginning, has become the basic paradigm of management. n7Postulat o tome da organizacije moraju konstantno da se menjaju koji je istaknut već na samom početku knjige postao je i osnovna paradigma menadžmenta.
n8We still remember that many claimed it to be an overstatement when in 1993 the authors Hammer and Champy in their book Corporate Reengineering stated that “change has become prevailing and constant. n8Treba se setiti da su mnogi smatrali da se radi o preterivanju kada su autori Hammer i Champy 1993. godine u svojoj knjizi Reinženjering korporacije naveli da je «promena postala prevladavajuća i stalna.
n9It is a normal state of affairs.“ The majority of people today agree that the statement is obvious and self-evident. n9To je normalno stanje». Danas većina ljudi smatra da je ta konstatacija sasvim očigledna i nesporna.