En/De/Fr/It- (first 9 out of 33 sentences)
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Srpski - (prvih 9 od 33 rečenica)
n1 | Manufacturing Operations Strategy - osvrt | n1 | Strategija proizvodnih operacija - osvrt |
n2 | In the practice of a large number of companies strategic development is related to the marketing decisions that primarily define the character and the trends of the strategic future, whereas the operations follow this set path and occupy the position in the tail of the process. | n2 | Strateški razvoj se u velikom broju kompanija u Spraksi vezuje za odluke marketinga koje primarno određuju karakter i pravce strateške budućnosti, dok operacije slede ovaj utvrđeni pravac i njihovo je mesto na začelju procesa. |
n3 | It is widely believed that the operations management is the same as operational management and that the operational managers actually deal with short-term, daily tasks. | n3 | Veoma je rasprostranjeno uverenje da je menadžment operacija isto što i operativni menadžment i da se operacioni menadžeri ustvari bave kratkoročnim, dnevnim zadacima. |
n4 | The dominant strategic orientation of the operations management, on condition such a dimension is recognized at all, is reactive, rather than leading and creative. | n4 | Dominantna strateška orijentacija operacionog menadžmenta, ako se uopšte priznaje ova njegova dimenzija, je reaktivna, nikako vodeća i kreativna. |
n5 | The meaning and the importance of the book “Manufacturing Operations Strategy“ is in that it highlights the importance, the role and the contents of the operations management in defining and execution of the companies’ strategic development. | n5 | Smisao i značaj knjige «Strategija proizvodnih operacija» nalazi se u naglašavanju značaja, uloge i sadržaja operacionog menadžmenta u definisanju i realizovanju strateškog razvoja kompanija. |
n6 | This book resolves all the ambiguities and clearly states the contents of the basic concepts, methods, categories and principles of the strategic operations management. | n6 | Ovom knjigom otklanjaju se sve nedoumice i jasno postavlja sadržaj osnovnih koncepata, metoda, kategorija i principa strateškog operacionog menadžmenta. |
n7 | It points out the numerous issues and areas that are in practice the responsibility of the managers on the strategic management level, but have so far been neglected, although they are of crucial importance for the performance and competitiveness of their companies. | n7 | Naglašavaju se brojna pitanja i domeni koja u praksi rešavaju menadžeri na strateškom upravljačkom nivou, koja su dosad bila zanemarivana, a koja su kritična za uspešnost i konkurentnost njihovih kompanija. |
n8 | It is in this sense that the meaning of this book is twofold: firstly, it presents the area of strategic operations management in a systemic and comprehensive manner, and, secondly, it introduces the managers from the practice to a large number of concepts, applicable methods and techniques, principles and experiences of the strategic operations management. | n8 | U tom smislu značaj ove knjige je dvostruk: prvo, što na sistematizovan i sveobuhvatana način predstavlja oblast strateškog menadžmenta operacija, i drugo, što menadžere u praksi upoznaje sa brojnim konceptima, primenjivim metodama i tehnikama, principima i iskustvima strateškog menadžmenta operacija. |
n9 | The book consists of twelve chapters with numerous analyses and presentations of case studies. | n9 | Knjigu čini jedanaest poglavlja uz brojne analize i prikaze slučajeva prakse. |