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 Njegovan B., 2009, vol. XIV:51, ID: 7.2009.51.9[About]

En/De/Fr/It- (first 9 out of 68 sentences) [pdf] Srpski - (prvih 9 od 68 rečenica) [pdf]
n1Controversies of leadership n1ontroverze liderstvaU svetu knjiga
n2Book review n2U svetu knjiga
n3Leposava Grubic Nesic .2009., Knowing How to be a Leader, Novi Sad: AB Print, ISBN 978-86-907943-1-7 n3Leposava Grubić Nesic .2009., Znati biti lider, Novi Sad: AB Print,
n4Questioning the theory and practice of leadership is important for a number of reasons. n4Problematizovanje teorije i prakse liderstva značajno p je iz nekoliko razloga.
n5Leadership is a complex and ambiguous concept based on a new paradigm of management, which includes the processes of identifying the purpose and the direction of an organization, varied management impacts; of achieving goals. n5Liderstvo je složen i višeznačan koncept utemeljen na novoj paradigmi rukovođenja, koja obuhvata procese uspostavljanja svrhe i smera organizacije, različite upravljačke uticaje, ostvarivanje ciljeva.
n6In our practice the leader has not yet got his distinct position; he is generally equaled to the director, the manager or the political leader. n6Lider u našoj praksi još uvek nije dobio pravo značenje; najčešće se izjednačava sa direktorom, rukovodiocem ili političkim prvakom.
n7Whereas our directors and managers, mainly the leading public officials, protectors of laws and other legal norms, are focused upon their superiors, the leaders are predominantly focused upon their followers-collaborators. n7I dok su naši direktori i rukovodioci pretežno državni vodeći činovnici, zaštitnici zakona i drugih pravnih normi usredsređeni na nadređene, dotle su lideri pretežno usredređeni na sledbenike-saradnike.
n8Leaders are councellors rather than executive authorities, they deal with the unknown and the uncertain transforming them into the known and the clear. n8Lideri su pre savetnici, nego nalogodavci podređenima, nose se s nepoznatim i neizvesnim, te ih pretvaraju u poznato i jasno.
n9The new age warns that the times of leading the subordinated are far behind us, that a new type of manager emerges, the one that uses his knowledge, courage, cleverness, visionary and missionary qualities act ex aequo et bono (according to what is just, what is good), thus enabling his company to perform above the average. n9Novo doba upozorava da je prošlo vreme autoritarnog vođenja podređenih, da se javlja novi tip rukovodioca, koji svojim znanjem, hrabrošću, lucidnošću, vizionarstvom i misionarstvom deluje ex aequo et bono (po onome što je pravo, što je dobro), podižući tako svoje firme iznad proseka.