En/De/Fr/It- (first 9 out of 67 sentences)
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Srpski - (prvih 9 od 67 rečenica)
n1 | The effects of fiscal policy on development of companies | n1 | Efekti fiskalne politike na razvoj kompanija |
n2 | Mihajlo Babin | n2 | Mihajlo Babin |
n3 | Faculty of economics, finances and adminitration | n3 | Fakultet za ekonomiju, finansije i administraciju |
n4 | The research within this work is aimed at determining the effects of allocating larger funds for university education upon the development of companies. | n4 | Istraživanje u okviru ovog rada će biti usmereno ka utvrđivanju efekata povećanja sredstava za finansiranje visokog obrazovanja na razvoj kompanija. |
n5 | The corporate development can be based on the rise in the number of employees who are studying for the doctoral degree and attend the courses in permanent training and education. | n5 | Razvoj kompanija se može zasnovati na povećanju broja zaposlenih koji studiraju doktorske studije i pohađaju programe obrazovanja tokom čitavog života. |
n6 | The analysis of the transmission mechanism of alternative measures of fiscal policy used to increase the funds allocated for the university education will help establish whether the larger funds allocated for the university education can be justified. | n6 | Analiza transmisionog mehanizma alternativnih mera fiskalne politike, kojima se povećavaju sredstava za finansiranje visokog obrazovanja, će omogućiti utvrđivanje opravdanosti povećanja alokacije sredstava za visoko obrazovanje. |
n7 | 1. Introduction | n7 | 1. Uvod |
n8 | The starting point of the work is the belief that the larger funds allocated for the purpose of financing university education will have a positive effect upon the development of companies. | n8 | Polazna teza rada je uverenje da će povećanjem sredstava za finansiranje visokog obrazovanja pozitivno uticati na razvoj kompanija. |
n9 | Here we will analyse the effects of alternative measures of fiscal policy the aim of which is the increase in funds to finance university education in Serbia. | n9 | U radu će biti analizirani efekti alternativnih mera fiskalne politike čiji je cilj povećanje sredstava za finansiranje visokog obrazovanja u Srbiji. |