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 Rakić et al., 2008, vol. XIII:47/48, ID: 7.2008.47-48.9[About]

En/De/Fr/It- (first 9 out of 140 sentences) [pdf] Srpski - (prvih 9 od 140 rečenica) [pdf]
n1Marketing activities of faculties n1Marketin[ke aktivnosti fakulteta
n2Beba Raki], Mira Rakic n2Beba Raki], Mira Raki]
n3Faculty of Business stufies - Megatrend University, Belgrade n3Fakultet za poslovne studije - Megatrend univerzitet u Beogradu
n4The purpose of this paper is to present the key marketing activities of faculties. n4Svrha rada je da predstavi ključne marketinške aktivnosti fakulteta.
n5Faculties should differentiate their offer from the competition. n5Fakulteti bi trebalo da diferenciraju svoju ponudu u odnosu na konkurenciju.
n6The most important marketing decisions are: targeting - target market selection (customers), relationship marketing, strategies for positioning and differentiation of producrs/services and tactics marketing programs. n6Najvažnije marketinške odluke su u pogledu: izbora ciljnih tržišnih segmenata, strategija pozicioniranja i diferenciranja proizvoda/usluga, taktičkih marketing programa.
n7Faculties should focus upon the value (of the faculties) and the benefit for students -education and knowledge. n7Fakulteti bi trebalo da se fokusiraju na vrednosti (fakulteta) ili koristi za studente - obrazovanje i znanje. 1. Uvod
n8 n91. Introduction In a hyper-competitive environment, faculties (both state and privately owned) are supposed to be marketing oriented. n8 n9U hiper-konkurentnom okruženju, fakulteti (i državni i privatni) bi trebalo da budu marketinški orijentisani.
n10“Marketing is directed to a dialogue between the organization and its clients, that is, school and students and their parents“ [1, p.31]. n10«Marketing je usmeren na dijalog između organizacije i njenih klijenata, tj. škole i studenata i roditelja» [1, str. 31].