En/De/Fr/It- (first 9 out of 239 sentences)
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Srpski - (prvih 9 od 239 rečenica)
n1 | (Application no. 25390/94) | n1 | (Predstavka br. 25390/94) |
n2 | JUDGMENT | n2 | PRESUDA |
n3 | 20 May 1999 | n3 | 28. jun 1999. godine |
n4 | I. THE FACTS | n4 | I ČINjENICE |
n5 | 7. At the material time, the applicant was a police officer and the Secretary General of the Police Independent Trade Union. | n5 | 7. U trenutku kada se slučaj dogodio, tužilac je bio policajac i generalni sekretar Nezavisnog sindikata. |
n6 | 8. On 24 December 1993 Law no. 107 of 1993 on certain amendments to the Constitution (az Alkotmany modositasarol szolo 1993. evi CVII. torveny) was published in the Hungarian Official Gazette. | n6 | 8. Dana 24. decembra 1993. u Službenom listu Mađarske objavljen je Zakon br. 107 od 1993. o određenim amandmanima na Ustav Republike Mađarske (az Alkotmany modositasarol szolo 1993. evi CVII torveny). |
n7 | This Law amended, inter alia, Article 40/B 4 of the Constitution to the effect that, as from 1 January 1994, members of the armed forces, the police and security services were prohibited from joining any political party and from engaging in any political activity (see paragraph 13 below for the text of the Article). | n7 | Ovaj je zakon, između ostalog, čl. 40/B, st. 4 Ustava izmenio u tom smislu da je od 1. januara 1994. godine pripadnicima oružanih snaga, policije i bezbednosnih službi bilo zabranjeno da stupaju u članstvo bilo koje političke stranke i učestvuju u bilo kakvim političkim aktivnostima (za tekst člana videti stav 13 u daljem tekstu). |
n8 | 9. In a circular letter dated 28 January 1994, the Head of the National Police requested, in view of the forthcoming parliamentary elections, that police officers refrain from political activities. | n8 | 9. Načelnik Narodne policije je cirkularnim pismom od 28. januara 1994. godine zatražio, imajući u vidu predstojeće parlamentarne izbore, da se pripadnici policije klone bilo kakvih političkih aktivnosti. |
n9 | He referred to Article 40/B 4 of the Constitution as amended by Law no. 107 of 1993, he indicated that those who wished to pursue political activities would have to leave the police. | n9 | U pismu se pozvao na čl. 40/B, st. 4 Ustava, izmenjen zakonom br. 107, 1993. godine, i stavio do znanja da će oni koje budu želeli da se bave političkim aktivnostima morati da napuste policiju. |