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En/De/Fr/It- (first 9 out of 109 sentences) [pdf] Srpski - (prvih 9 od 109 rečenica) [pdf]
n1The case of Plattform "Arzte fur das Leben" v. Austria n1UDRUŽENjE PLATFORM LEKARI ZA ŽIVOT protiv AUSTRIJE
n38. Plattform "Arzte fur das Leben" is an association of doctors who are campaigning against abortion and are seeking to bring about reform of the Austrian legislation on the matter. n38. Platform "Lekari za život" (Plattform "Arzte fur das Leben") jeste udruženje lekara koje se bori protiv abortusa i za reformu austrijskih zakona koji pokrivaju ovu oblast.
n4In 1980 and 1982 it held two demonstrations which were disrupted by counter-demonstrators despite the presence of a large contingent of police. n4Organizacija je 1980. i 1982. godine održala dve demonstracije koje su ometali njihovi protivnici i pored prisustva jakih snaga policije.
n5I. The demonstration at Stadl-Paura n5I. Demonstracije u Štadl-Pauri
n6A. Planning of the demonstration n6A. Planiranje demonstracija
n79. The applicant association decided to hold a religious service at Stadl-Paura Church (Upper Austria) on 28 December 1980, after which there would be a march to the surgery of a doctor who carried out abortions. n79. Udruženje podnosilac predstavke odlučilo je da održi versku službu u crkvi u Štadl-Pauri (Gornja Austrija) 28. decembra 1980. godine, posle čega je planiran marš do ordinacije lekara koji je obavljao abortuse.
n8As required under section 2 of the Assembly Act of 1953 (see paragraph 40 of the Commission's report), it gave notice, onf 30 November, to the police authority for the district of Wels-Land. n8U skladu s Odeljkom 2 Zakona o okupljanju od 1953. godine (videti st. 40 izveštaja Komisije), udruženje je 30. novembra podnelo prijavu policijskim vlastima okruga Vels-land.
n9The police made no objection and gave the participants permission to use the public highway. n9Policija nije imala prigovora i dozvolila je učesnicima da koriste javnu saobraćajnicu.