En/De/Fr/It- (first 9 out of 109 sentences)
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Srpski - (prvih 9 od 109 rečenica)
n1 | The case of Plattform "Arzte fur das Leben" v. Austria | n1 | UDRUŽENjE PLATFORM LEKARI ZA ŽIVOT protiv AUSTRIJE |
n3 | 8. Plattform "Arzte fur das Leben" is an association of doctors who are campaigning against abortion and are seeking to bring about reform of the Austrian legislation on the matter. | n3 | 8. Platform "Lekari za život" (Plattform "Arzte fur das Leben") jeste udruženje lekara koje se bori protiv abortusa i za reformu austrijskih zakona koji pokrivaju ovu oblast. |
n4 | In 1980 and 1982 it held two demonstrations which were disrupted by counter-demonstrators despite the presence of a large contingent of police. | n4 | Organizacija je 1980. i 1982. godine održala dve demonstracije koje su ometali njihovi protivnici i pored prisustva jakih snaga policije. |
n5 | I. The demonstration at Stadl-Paura | n5 | I. Demonstracije u Štadl-Pauri |
n6 | A. Planning of the demonstration | n6 | A. Planiranje demonstracija |
n7 | 9. The applicant association decided to hold a religious service at Stadl-Paura Church (Upper Austria) on 28 December 1980, after which there would be a march to the surgery of a doctor who carried out abortions. | n7 | 9. Udruženje podnosilac predstavke odlučilo je da održi versku službu u crkvi u Štadl-Pauri (Gornja Austrija) 28. decembra 1980. godine, posle čega je planiran marš do ordinacije lekara koji je obavljao abortuse. |
n8 | As required under section 2 of the Assembly Act of 1953 (see paragraph 40 of the Commission's report), it gave notice, onf 30 November, to the police authority for the district of Wels-Land. | n8 | U skladu s Odeljkom 2 Zakona o okupljanju od 1953. godine (videti st. 40 izveštaja Komisije), udruženje je 30. novembra podnelo prijavu policijskim vlastima okruga Vels-land. |
n9 | The police made no objection and gave the participants permission to use the public highway. | n9 | Policija nije imala prigovora i dozvolila je učesnicima da koriste javnu saobraćajnicu. |