En/De/Fr/It- (first 9 out of 507 sentences)
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Srpski - (prvih 9 od 507 rečenica)
n2 | Prior to the introduction of Civic Education in November 2001, there was no subject in the curriculum of the Republic of Serbia that attempted to develop civic knowledge, skills and attitudes. | n2 | Pre uvođenja građanskog vaspitanja u novembru 2001, nije postojao predmet u nastavnom planu i programu Republike Srbije koji bi bio usmeren ka razvoju znanja o građanskom društvu, veštinama i stavovima. |
n3 | The existing "Constitution and Civil Law" course in the fourth year of secondary school tends to focus strictly on knowledge of constitutional law, rather than issues pertaining to democracy and human rights, and the skills and attitudes needed for their practice. | n3 | Predmet u četvrtom razredu srednjih škola ustav i pravo građana fokusira se više na znanje ustavnog prava nego na pitanja koja se tiču demokratije i ljudskih prava i veština i stavova potrebnih za njihovu primenu u praksi. |
n4 | In order to understand the nature of the Civic Education programme in its first year, it is necessary to consider the larger processes of educational reform in the Republic of Serbia, as well as the origins of the projects that were used as the basis of the pilot curriculum. | n4 | Kako bi se razumela priroda programa građansko vaspitanje u prvoj godini, neophodno je uzeti u obzir šire procese reforme obrazovanja u Republici Srbiji, kao i poreklo projekata koji su korišćeni kao osnove za eksperimentalni nastavni plan i program. |
n5 | 2.1 The current process of educational reform in the Republic of Serbia | n5 | 2.1. Tekući proces reforme obrazovanja u Republici Srbiji |
n6 | The change of government in the Republic of Serbia in October 2000 paved the way for the initiation of wide-ranging educational reform. | n6 | Promena vlasti u Republici Srbiji u oktobru 2000. prokrčila je put uvođenju opsežne i dalekosežne reforme obrazovanja. |
n7 | The education sector had suffered heavily during the 1990s as the result of war, sanctions and economic hardship. | n7 | Sektor obrazovanja je tokom devedesetih ozbiljno ugrožen zbog rata, sankcija i ekonomskih tegoba. |
n8 | Impacts on the education system included an influx of refugees and internally displaced persons, shortages of school materials, poor school maintenance, demoralised and underpaid teachers, and outdated curricula and teaching methods. | n8 | Na sistem obrazovanja uticao je i priliv izbeglica i raseljenih lica, oskudica u školskom materijalu, demoralisani i nedovoljno plaćeni nastavnici, kao i zastareli nastavni planovi i programi i metodi. |
n9 | The poor quality of education resulted in a decline in student achievement, and rising early dropout rates45, both of which have been linked to increases in juvenile delinquency and violence. | n9 | Loš kvalitet obrazovanja rezultovao je smanjenjem postignuća učenika i visokom stopom osipanja učenika pre završetka školovanja 45, što se odrazilo na porast maloletničke delinkvencije i nasilja. |