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En/De/Fr/It- (first 9 out of 244 sentences) [pdf] Srpski - (prvih 9 od 244 rečenica) [pdf]
n1Brief Tour - Introduction n1Kratak pregled reforme obrazovnog sistema
n3The comprehensive, ongoing education system reform in the Republic of Serbia, led by the Ministry of Education and Sports is entering its third year. n3Sveobuhvatna reforma obrazovnog sistema u Republici Srbiji, koju sprovodi Ministarstvo prosvete i sporta, ulazi u svoju treću godinu.
n4Given the participatory, integrative, in-depth, need-driven, future-oriented and long-term sustainability of the approach, the education reform process is an extremely complex endeavour consisting of a vast range of interlinking tasks and involving increasing numbers of partners and supporters, both locally and internationally. n4Budući da je zasnovan na učestvovanju velikog broja aktera, na integrativnom, detaljnom i dugoročnom pristupu održivosti vođenom potrebama i orijentisanom ka budućnosti, proces reforme obrazovanja predstavlja krajnje složen zadatak koji se sastoji od ogromnog raspona međupovezanih zadataka i uključuje sve veći i veći broj partnera i onih koji ove napore podržavaju, i na lokalnom i na međunarodnom nivou.
n5The purpose of this paper is to guide the readers through the reform (chronologically and conceptually), highlighting its main points, benchmarks, participants and partners. n5Svrha ovog dokumenta je da povede čitaoce kroz reformu (hronološki i konceptualno), ističući njene glavne ideje, odrednice, učesnike i partnere.
n61. REFORM TIMELINE n6Hronologija reforme
n7October, 2000. Constitution of a new democratic government of the Republic of Serbia that identified education as a priority area in its reform process. n7Oktobar 2000. Osnivanje nove demokratske Vlade Republike Srbije koja identifikuje obrazovanje kao prioritetnu oblast u svom reformskom procesu.
n8February, 2001. The new Ministry of Education and Sport started by combining structures from three Ministries (Education, Higher Education and Sports). n8Februar 2001. Novo Ministarstvo prosvete i sporta formirano je objedinjujući strukture prethodna tri ministarstva (Prosveta, Više obrazovanje i Sport).
n9The current structure of the Ministry is given in Annex 1. n9Trenutna struktura Ministarstva se može videti na