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 INTERA, 2004, ID: 6.36.2[About]

En/De/Fr/It- (first 9 out of 357 sentences) [pdf] Srpski - (prvih 9 od 357 rečenica) [pdf]
n1Motion for Enforcement of Court Decision in Discrimination Case n1Predlog za izvršenje presude u slučaju "Krsmanovača"
n2Belgrade - The Humanitarian Law Center (HLC) has filed motions with the SXabac Municipal Court and Fourth Municipal Court in Belgrade seeking the enforcement of the first and thus far only final judicial decision in Serbia in which the court established discrimination against Roma in access to public places. n2Beograd - Fond za humanitarno pravo je podneo Opštinskom sudu u Šapcu i Četvrtom Opštinskom sudu u Beogradu predloge za izvršenje prve i za sada jedine pravosnažne presude kojom je utvrđena diskriminacija Roma u pristupu javnim mestima u Srbiji.
n3 n4The SXabac Municipal Court ordered the Yugen TTT company, which runs the Krsmanovacxa Sports Center in this western Serbia town, to publish in the high-circulation Politika daily a public apology to Merihana Rustenov, Jordan Vasicx and Zoran Vasicx, who were denied access to the center's swimming pool. The court also ordered the sports center to cease discriminating against Roma. n3 n4Presudom Opštinskog suda u Šapcu, koja je potvrđena odlukom Okružnog suda u Šapcu, naloženo je da se u dnevnom listu "Politika" na trošak preduzeća "Jugen-TTT" - Sportsko-rekreativni centar "Krsmanovača" iz Šapca, objavi javno izvinjenje Merihani Rustenov, Jordanu Vasiću i Zoranu Vasiću, zato što ih je radnik ovog preduzeća Sprečio da uđu na bazen u tom gradu, isključivo zbog toga što su Romi.
n5 n6After receiving complaints that Roma were being barred from the pool, the HLC and two Roma organizations - Democratic Union of Roma and Oasis Roma Association - in July 2000 conducted a test to check out the allegations. Two groups of three Roma and three non-Roma, all appropriately dressed and well-behaved, took part. They only difference between them was their color. n5 n6Istovremeno, presudom se zahteva od Sportsko-rekreativnog centra "Krsmanovača" da prestane sa diskriminacijom Roma u pristupu ovom bazenu. Povodom informacija da Romi ne mogu da uđu na bazen Sportsko-rekreativnog centra "Krsmanovača" u Šapcu, Fond za humanitarno pravo i romske nevladine organizacije Demokratsko udruženje Roma i Udruženje Roma - "Oaza" su u julu 2000. sproveli testiranje pristupa pomenutom bazenu kako bi nedvosmisleno potvrdili navode žrtava.
n7A member of the sports center staff at the ticket booth told the Roma they could not enter the pool area, but made no problems when the non-Roma appeared to purchase tickets. n7U testiranju je učestvovalo troje Roma i troje neroma; svi su bili uredno obučeni, pristojno su se ponašali i jedina razlika među njima je bila u boji kože.
n8The second group asked the man to explain his action, and he replied that the Roma would be ejected by security even if he let them in. n8Radnik koji je radio na ulazu rekao je Romima da ne mogu da uđu na bazen upravo zbog toga što su Romi. Radnik im je odgovorio da će obezbeđenje izbaciti Rome sa bazena, čak i ukoliko ih on pusti da uđu.
n9Following the test, the HLC filed an action in which it asked the court to order the sports center to publish a public apology and to stop discriminating against Roma. n9Nakon sprovedenog testiranja, Fond za humanitarno pravo je podneo tužbu zbog diskriminacije Roma, zahtevajući javno izvinjenje i prestanak diskriminacije.
n10The Municipal Court's decision to this effect was upheld by the SXabac District Court. n10Tužbu je u potpunosti usvojio Opštinski sud, a kasnije potvrdio i Okružni sud u Šapcu.
n11Appeal to Stop Eviction of Roma Family n11Sprečiti iseljenje samohrane majke i maloletne dece