En/De/Fr/It- (first 9 out of 581 sentences)
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Srpski - (prvih 9 od 581 rečenica)
n2 | Article 1 | n2 | Član 1. |
n3 | The Republic of Serbia is a democratic State of all citizens living within it, founded upon the freedoms and rights of man and citizen, the rule of law, and social justice. | n3 | Republika Srbija je demokratska država svih građana koji u njoj žive, zasnovana na slobodama i pravima čoveka i građanina, na vladavini prava i na socijalnoj pravdi. |
n4 | Article 2 | n4 | Član 2. |
n5 | Sovereignty is vested in all the citizens of the Republic of Serbia. | n5 | Suverenost pripada svim građanima Republike Srbije. |
n6 | Citizen shall exercise their sovereignty through a referendum, people's initiative, and their freely elected representatives. | n6 | Građani ostvaruju suverenost referendumom, narodnom inicijativom i preko svojih slobodno izabranih predstavnika. |
n7 | Article 3 | n7 | Član 3. |
n8 | In the Republic of Serbia everything shall be permitted unless it has been prohibited by the Constitution and law. | n8 | U Republici Srbiji je slobodno sve što Ustavom i zakonom nije zabranjeno. |
n9 | Guaranteed and recognized by the Constitution are the individual, political, national, economic, social, cultural, and other rights of man and citizen. | n9 | Ustavom se jamče i priznaju lična, politička, nacionalna, ekonomska, socijalna, kulturna i druga prava čoveka i građanina. |