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En/De/Fr/It- (first 9 out of 543 sentences) [pdf] Srpski - (prvih 9 od 543 rečenica) [pdf]
n1Article 107 n1Član 107.
n2If the Chairperson of the National Assembly is unable to keep order at a sitting by resorting to regular measures, he shall order a break lasting until the order is restored. n2Ako predsednik Narodne skupštine redovnim merama ne može da održi red na sednici, odrediće pauzu u trajanju potrebnom da se uspostavi red.
n3Article 108 n3Član 108.
n4The measures of reprimand and denial of floor are applicable only to the session on which they were pronounced. n4Mere opomene i oduzimanja reči primenjuju se za sednicu na kojoj su izrečene.
n5The measure of order to leave the sitting shall be applied over the following 20 days of the sitting (work) of the National Assembly, from the day of pronouncement, that is, for the session on which it was pronounced, if the session lasts more than 20 days of the sitting (work) of the National Assembly. n5Mera udaljenja sa sednice primenjuje se za narednih 20 dana zasedanja (rada) Narodne skupštine, od dana udaljenja, odnosno na sednicu na kojoj je izrečena ova mera, ako sednica traje duže od 20 dana zasedanja (rada) Narodne skupštine.
n6The measure of expulsion from the session from Article 105 Paragraph 2 of these Rules of Procedure shall apply for a duration of 90 days from the day of expulsion. n6Mera udaljenja sa sednice iz Člana 104. stav 2. ovog poslovnika primenjuje se za narednih 90 dana zasedanja od dana udaljenja.
n7Article 109 n7Član 109.
n8The provisions of these Rules of Procedure on order at the sitting of the National Assembly shall also apply to all other participants in the sitting, in addition to the Deputies, and shall apply to the sittings of the National Assembly committees and other working bodies accordingly. n8Odredbe ovog poslovnika o redu na sednici Narodne skupštine primenjuju se i na sve druge učesnike na sednici, pored narodnih poslanika, a shodno se primenjuju na sednicama odbora i drugih radnih tela Narodne skupštine.
n95. Minutes n95. Zapisnik