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 INTERA, 2004, ID: 6.28.1[About]

En/De/Fr/It- (first 9 out of 30 sentences) [pdf] Srpski - (prvih 9 od 30 rečenica) [pdf]
n1Ministry(brief overview the law obligations of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Serbia) n1Ministarstvo (kratak opis zakonskih obaveza koje obavlja Ministarstvo zdravlja republike Srbije)
n2Deputy Minister (short biography of the Deputy Minister of Health in the Government of the Republic of Serbia, dr Dragomir Marisavljevic) n2Zamenik ministra (kratka biografija zamenika ministra zdravlja u Vladi republike Srbije, doc dr Dragomira Marisavljevića)
n3Assistants Minister (short biographies of the Assistants Minister of Health in the Government of the Republic of Serbia, prof. dr Snezana Simic, dr Vasilije Antic, dr Aleksandra Makaj, dr Zoran Maricic and dr Ivan Jovanovic, and links to sectors' overview) n3Pomoćnici ministra (kratke biografije pomoćnika ministra zdravlja u Vladi republike Srbije, prof. dr Snežane Simić, dr Vasilija Antića, dr Aleksandre Makai, dr Zorana Maričića i dr Ivana Jovanovića)
n4Health service organization and health inspection (brief overview the law obligations of the Sector for Health service organization and health inspection in the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Serbia) n4Zdravstvena zaštita i zdravstveni nadzor (kratak opis zakonskih obaveza koje obavlja sektor za zdravstvenu zaštitu i zdravstveni nadzor u Ministarstvu zdravlja republike Srbije
n5List of health inspectors in The Republic of Serbia n5Spisak zdravstvenih inspektora u republici Srbiji
n6Health insurance and health management (brief overview the law obligations of the sector for Health insurance and health management in the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Serbia) n6Zdravstveno osiguranje i menadžment u zdravstvu (kratak opis zakonskih obaveza koje obavlja sektor za zdravstveno osiguranje i menadžment u zdravstvu u Ministarstvu zdravlja republike Srbije
n7International relations and project coordination (brief overview the law obligations of the sector for International relations and project coordination in the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Serbia) n7Međunarodna saradnja i koordinacija projekata (kratak opis zakonskih obaveza koje obavlja sektor za međunarodnu saradnju i koordinaciju projekata u Ministarstvu zdravlja republike Srbije
n8Overview of the registered humanitarian aid in the Republic of Serbia n8Ovde nedostaje recenica.
n9Guidelines for realization of humanitarian aid in English Language n9uputstvo za realizaciju humanitarne pomoći