En/De/Fr/It- (first 9 out of 132 sentences)
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Srpski - (prvih 9 od 132 rečenica)
n1 | Constitutional framework for ratifying the Law on Postal Services is positioned in the Provision 72, Article 1, Point 9 of the Constitution of Republic of Serbia, which states that Republic of Serbia manages and ensures, besides other things, basic directions of business and technological development, as well as in the Provision 72, Article 1, Point 12 of the Constitution, regarding the Provision 55, Article 1, 57, 60 and 64 of the Constitution. | n1 | Ustavni osnov za donošenje Zakona o poštanskim uslugama sadržan je u odredbi člana 72. stav 1. tačka 9. ustava Republike Srbije, kojom je predviđeno da Republika Srbija uređuje i obezbeđuje, između ostalog i osnovne pravce privrednog i tehnološkog razvoja, kao i u odredbi člana 72. stav 1. tačka 12. ustava, a u vezi odredbi čl. 55, 57, 60 i 64 ustava. |
n2 | Through the provision 72, Article 1, Point 12 it has been determined that Republic of Serbia determines and ensures other relations that are of importance for the Republic, according to the Constitution, while the constitutional provisions, Articles 55, 57, and 64 of Republic of Serbia specify the freedom of business operations and doing business under the same conditions in accordance with the Constitution and law, guarantee the foreign company that it will be able to perform business under the same conditions determined by law for domestic parties, they specify a free exchange of goods and specify as anti-constitutional every enactment or work that creates or stimulates monopolistic position or in another way limits the market. | n2 | Odredbom člana 72. stav 1. tačka 12. predviđeno je da Republika Srbija uređuje i obezbeđuje i druge odnose od interesa za Republiku, u skladu sa ustavom, dok se ustavnim odredbama čl. 55, 57, 60 i 64 u Republici Srbiji predviđa sloboda privređivanja i slobodno obavljanje privredne delatnosti pod jednakim uslovima u skladu sa ustavom i zakonom, jamči se stranom licu obavljanje privredne delatnosti pod uslovima koji su zakonom utvrđeni za domaća lica, predviđa se slobodna razmena roba i usluga i utvrđuje protivustavnim svaki akt ili radnja kojima se stvara ili podstiče monopolski položaj ili na drugi način ograničava tržište. |
n3 | Creation of European economic ambience, as well as certain political and institutional changes that appeared in those countries, due to the strong demandsfor deregulation and liberalization of the postal services market, made the transformation of postal administrations into independent subjects with precisely defined legal status, financial stability and capability to adopt itself to the market and clients' demands in the atmosphere of increasing competition necessary. | n3 | Stvaranje evropskog ekonomskog prostora, kao i određene političko institucionalne promene nastale u tim zemljama, usled širih zahteva za deregulacijom i liberalizacijom tržišta poštanskih usluga, nužno nameću neophodnost transformacije poštanskih uprava u nezavisne subjekte sa precizno definisanim pravnim statusom, finansijskom samostalnošću i sposobnošću da se u uslovima narastajuće konkurencije, prilagode tržištu i potrebama korisnika. |
n4 | The right of monopoly in the field of telecommunications was abolished in January 1998, while the monopoly in postal sector will remain untill 2009. | n4 | Pravo monopola je u oblasti telekomunikacija ukinuto januara 1998. godine, dok se u oblasti poštanskog sektora ostavlja rok do 2009. godine, u kome treba ukinuti poštanski monopol. |
n5 | In that period a structural reform of the whole PTT system should be executed, as well as the transformation of the postal sector so that the Post acting as a public operator could prepare on time itself for the competitive campaign at the market of communications and gains for itself new markets. | n5 | U tom periodu, treba sprovesti strukturnu reformu celokupnog PTT sistema, kao i transformaciju poštanskog sektora kako bi se pošta kao javni operator na vreme pripremila za konkurentsku borbu na tržištu komunikacija i obezbedila nova tržišta. |
n6 | Bearing in mind the importance of the sector of communications in general, as well as the importance of the accelerated development of the postal traffic whose functioning is based on the unity of technological trends which, on the national scale represent an integral functional entity, and on the international scale it represents a homogenous part of the integrated global postal network, it is our opinion that the new Law on Post should be passed. | n6 | Polazeći od značaja sektora komunikacija u celini, kao i značaja ubrzanog razvoja poštanskog saobraćaja čije je funkcionisanje zasnovano na jedinstvu tehnoloških tokova koji u nacionalnim razmerama predstavljaju integralnu funkcionalnu celinu, a u međunarodnim homogeni deo integrisane svetske poštanske mreže, potrebno je usvojiti novi Zakon o poštanskim uslugama. |
n7 | The additional reason is that current Law on Communication Systems includes both postal and telecommunications fields, and that concept is not viable and has been abandoned in comparative legal practice where these two practices have been normatively separated long time ago and are regulated by separate laws. | n7 | Tim pre, što dosadašnji još važeći Zakon o sistemima veza kao predmet obuhvata i oblasti pošte i telekomunikacija, što je koncept koji je neodrživ i odavno napušten u uporedno-pravnoj praksi gde su ove dve oblasti ljudske delatnosti odavno normativno razdvojene i uređene posebnim zakonima. |
n8 | The procedure of passing the new Law on telecommunications has already started. | n8 | Zakon o telekomunikacijama već je donet. |
n9 | Post represents a vital part of the economic infrastructure of Republic of Serbia and thus it is of the highest importance that it can readily face the challenges and possibilities that the competitive market of communications represents. | n9 | Pošta predstavlja vitalni deo ekonomske infrastrukture Republike Srbije i od velikog je značaja da spremno krene u susret izazovima i mogućnostima koje pruža sve kompetitivnije tržište komunikacija. |