En/De/Fr/It- (first 9 out of 355 sentences)
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Srpski - (prvih 9 od 355 rečenica)
n1 | Performances of postal services shall be defined by this Law. | n1 | ovim Zakonom uređuje se obavljanje poštanskih usluga. |
n2 | Postal services shall be performed based on the agreements, in accordance with the conditions determined by the Law, general terms and conditions for performing postal activities, enactments of the postal operators, as well as according to the ratified and acknowledged international conventions, contracts, agreements and other international acts. | n2 | Poštanske usluge se obavljaju na osnovu ugovora, u skladu sa Zakonom, opštim uslovima za obavljanje poštanskih usluga, posebnim uslovima za obavljanje poštanskih usluga i drugim aktima poštanskih operatora, kao i na osnovu međunarodnih konvencija, ugovora, sporazuma i drugih međunarodnih akata. |
n3 | Terms used in this Law shall have the following meaning: | n3 | Pojedini izrazi upotrebljeni u ovom Zakonu imaju sledeće značenje: |
n4 | 1. Postal services include collections, sorting, transportation and delivery of postal items; | n4 | 1) poštanske usluge su usluge koje obuhvataju prijem, sortiranje, prenos i uručenje poštanskih pošiljaka; |
n5 | 2. Universal Postal Services shall represent the set of postal services which are constantly provided throughout the whole territory of the Republic of Serbia, under equal conditions for all customers, within the scope of the prescribed quality and at affordable prices; | n5 | 2) univerzalna poštanska usluga predstavlja skup poštanskih usluga koje se konstantno obavljaju na teritoriji Republike Srbije, pod jednakim uslovima za sve korisnike, u okviru propisanog kvaliteta i po pristupačnim cenama; |
n6 | 3. Reserved Postal Services shall be those services which the state guarantees to the public postal operator of the Universal Postal Services, as exclusive rights within the limited scope, according to the weight and cost; | n6 | 3) rezervisane poštanske usluge su usluge koje država garantuje poštanskom operatoru univerzalne poštanske usluge, kao ekskluzivna prava u okvirima određenog limita po masi i ceni; |
n7 | 4. Unreserved Postal Services include: | n7 | 4) nerezervisane poštanske usluge obuhvataju: |
n8 | -- postal services from the scope of the Universal Postal Service that exceed the established limits in weight and/or price for reserved services, and | n8 | -- poštanske usluge iz domena univerzalne poštanske usluge koje prevazilaze utvrđene limite po masi i/ili ceni za rezervisane usluge i |
n9 | -- all other postal services, including value added services; | n9 | -- sve druge poštanske usluge, uključujući i usluge dodatne vrednosti; |